32. The Third Entry...

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"My Luna, you should really eat something. You haven't eaten anything since last night and Im starting to get worried," Hunter said, ushering the plate closer to my sullen face. His brows were knitted in deep concern, so I decided to pick up the fork to show some gratitude.

After yesterdays incident during the picnic and after, Damon dragged me despite my cries and protests, he managed to somehow drag me home -dont even ask about the car ride, thats another story- and throw me helplessly onto the floor of his bedroom, locking the door on his way out.

Banging for countless hours for someone other than Mr.Freak Control to open the door and after attempting to break the window with practically everything available in the room, I curled into a ball in the corner of the room, crying for most of the part. When the sun was on the peak of burying behind the trees, the door opened. Hunter had entered along with a plate of piping hot mac-and cheese and a chocolate mint smoothie.

Half begging and half threatening, he finally left sadly with the tray of food just as he had brought it, after realizing I wouldn't break from my stubbornness. I didn't dare let a spoon of food in my mouth. Even after he told me he was breaking over a dozen rules just by bringing the food to me, even when the Alpha clearly ordered I wouldn't been given any.

When I awoke in the morning to the sun's rays showering over me, I miraculously found myself in between the sheets with the windows drawn wide and room spotless without an object out of order. The door was still shut but it wasn't long before Hunter entered, assuring me the Alpha gave clearance this time to open the door this time.

"Pff, I thought you hated pancakes for a second and I began to panic our new found friendship was already in jeopardy," He leaned over the counter, staring with his cute flirtatious, boyish smile. He was bare chested coming from early morning training session with the younger pups, wearing only the same black Adidas sweat as the other training day and his hair dripping wet onto the counter top.

I force a smile, picking at the edge of my pancake. "I adore pancakes just so you know. They're my favourite since childhood -especially- of they have a thick layer of Nutella spread with roasted hazelnuts as a garnishing." I say, picturing the scene back home when the whole house would smell of sweet syrup and juicy bacon on the weekends of every summer. Angel would always be in charge of flipping the pancakes doing her daredevil stunts since it was her specialty, while Christina would usually get the mixing the batter job and Mia on garnishing the fruit salad platters, while the guys would be having their guy time on the lounge chairs outside grilling bacon.

"I got you covered," He hollered, and snapping his fingers, opening one upper cupboard after another. "Ah ah! Found you."

He began fidgeting with a lonely spoon laying on the counter top, twisting it at its handle like a dagger performing one trick from another before beginning to layer a generously, thick layer of Nutella for me under each layer of pancake with the handle of the spoon. "Hey Hunter?"

"Hm, yes my Luna," He looked up, with a smear of Nutella on his cheek, right under his left eye. I saw so much resemblance between him and Ryan at times it was funny. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Hm, nothing," I look away, biting my lower lip from the urge to laugh. "I wanted to ask. Do you know what A-M-O-R-E means?"

"It pronounced ah-MOR-ray my Luna. It means loves in Italian," He grinned devilishly, perking his eyebrows at the end. "Gotten any love letters recently?"

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