67. The Growing Pain...

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Damon's POV

"Any moment now," said Zach rather excitingly, sharing a long look. Whereas he was amused, I was never more frantic. After feeling the scratches over my abdomen and seeing them appear out of nowhere, I couldn't stop holding it and the blood had just stopped coating my fingers. Nora.

Zach watched my movements with a curious eye. "I'm not the type of man to separate loved ones, Damon. I do feel emotions still."

I couldn't even voice my disbelief when there was a sound of someone's muffled screams and someone's heavy footsteps coming from the darkness behind Zach and his flanking wolves. We all but Zach turned to meet a thrashing Nora in another's arm.

She wasn't sitting still, no, she was tossing, trying to scream when I noticed the dried blood and talon scratches on her stomach through the ripped rags. Compared to the man's brutal physicality, Nora looked so small with her pregnant belly. She glared up with hatred to Zach before her raging eyes grew wide with recognition.

At the sight of her Xavier swore, Ryan whispered something like a prayer for strength and Zayn gave like a low growl. My mind though stopped dead.

Zach, on the other hand, never battered an eye when gesturing to the altered werewolf to put her down just inches besides him.

Despite Nora being put down softly, there was still the rage. Dylan and I wanted to hurt this bastard Zach til his 8th generation ancestors felt the pain. Never had I ever felt this scared in my life; so much hurt and fear, that my heart quaked from the thoughts. There were tears wetting my eyes before I felt them drop down my cheeks. "Please."


Nora's POV

"She lives, splendid," The man I knew as Alpha Zach spoke humorlessly, looking disconcerted until the other man brought in the limp body of Emma.

Zach growled at the sight of his sweaty sister tied with blood matting her hair. She was set down besides me flat on the ground, face sideways. I would've crawled to be closer and called her name if there weren't a rag tied around my mouth. They had dressed Emma in a dress and tied us both before coming; only I was fortunate to awake though.

My jaw was already sore from trying to chew through the clothe but seeing Damon's shock written on his face and Emma's limp body made me bite harder.

I hated this place already, it was no better than one of those mad scientists laboratory with the blinding tube lights, fuming flask, boiling beakers and that nasty rancid odor. It also smelled of burnt flesh, not surprisingly, and of desperation within the metal plated walls.

Last I remember, when I met Zach during our early high school graduation, June had a feeling something was off about him. He had that familiar scent to his being too, like I known him from before. I hadn't met him since, and unlike then when he was grinning with bright eyes, his green eyes were now drily hollow and anger filled. He didn't hesitate when beckoning the two wolves closer and slaughtering them with a single slice of his extended nail. Blood sprayed his pants but couldn't be seen. It hadn't touched the whiteness of his shirt either.

He watched the bodies collapse and I turned to sneak a glance at Damon ahead of me. Damon was nudging his head to the right subtly and my chest rose from the thought. I couldn't move quickly enough with the stomach of mine. For once and only this once, I regretted being pregnant with twins.

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