60. The Villa We Shall...

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Damon's POV;

Mio amore has been unconscious for four weeks this Saturday, sleeping on the hospital bed with nothing more than a single IV, heart monitor and a single injecting tube for any medication. I made sure she was poked very limited for I knew how needles pained her even as she slept.

One entire month I haven't heard her voice yelling at me to buy her food, or scolding me for not getting her enough to eat or allowing her to some sleep, or to boss me around into buying her the most randomly selected fast food at any given hour of the day. One time she woke me at 4 in the morning, crying for pizza and spicy Mexican quesadilla at the same time.

I smile from the memory but I don't tear my eyes away from the sight of my angel restrained to the bed. Ollie felt lingering presence too although he hardly knew her for a day. He was on her bed cuddling up with her, nudging on her fingers for her to stroke his fur. Whimpering with rejection, he fell flat against the bed watching her.

That day, if only it never happened. It stirred quite a havoc among us Alpha's. Nora was right indeed, we Alpha's were gifted a lower rage tolerance. Luckily we werent at the Romano's Faith Villa because if we had, it'd be in a heap of trashed planks and rubble and in all honestly, I had only just got it constructed and was in no mood to do so again.

Instead we had the farmhouse where it happened. Nora wasnt going to be happy with how the place looks now after 4 enraged Alpha's got to it, despite I leaving her room untouched.

How they managed to get in has yet us all baffled. We had tripled the security and patrol for that day, and Alpha's of other Pack's had even provided their personal security for themselves, us doing our own personal background checks on everyone. Whoever had done this was pathetic, that Alpha as he called himself. He was weak to think he could challenge two of the biggest Packs of North America. Perhaps simply stupid.

Ollie barked loudly. "Ollie,"I groan, "do you want Antonio to have you thrown out the window? Shut up."

Again. "Ollie Im serious."

Once more. "Ollie-"

I saw him leaping on the bed, more activate than he has been this whole month. His jumping drew my attention to Nora's twitching fingers. "Nora?"

"Where am I?" She asked hazily, adjusting her head to look away from the directed ceiling lights. Dylan resurfacing upon said voice, raced our body towards her bed so we were sitting next to her in seconds. I brush the astray dark strands from her head, sighing of relief when I felt her forehead a bit warm and not burning feverishly.

"McDonalds love, you missed one heck of a sale."

"Asshole." She croaked with a sniffled snort. It was almost a wheeze.

"Hospital, you've been out for a month." That seemed to do it. She stopped everything and stared. The exhaust was still visible in those soft melted orbs of hers. I lost all circulation to my lungs seeing her captivate me with her big childish eyes.



"A-Angel? M-Mia? And-", I cut her short with a touch of my lips when she tried to heave herself upright. Nora paused and held her spot for a moment against the soft cushion of the bed before loosening the tension in her shoulders, kissing right back. I nearly moaned within her mouth.

My heart ached but I had to be the one to pull away, allowing the sparks to recede to dimmed embers. "All three of them gained consciousness within a week. You took longer for some reason, even we don't have answers but I was so, so worried."

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