68. The Beginning to an End...

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Every single one of them, all of them, again and again. I was never should have lived past my first day on this earth. I should have been dead, six feet under with my parents. Six dark, deep feet with no one to hold me or to feed me cruel lies. I let this happen to me, I really did. My foolish desires for having a normal life after healing my cold Alpha Mate has blinded me and I couldn't see. No one, and yet every single one of them.

"Nora?" Someone called, grasping my forearm from ahead of me.

"Oh, Leila," I exhaled, rubbing the corner of my eye to dry the lingering wetness. "I didn't see you come, and -how's Hunter?"

She studied me with a keen eye. "He's fine Id presumed. Got himself a gash on the head but he'll live, and besides I'm more worried for you Nora. Jordan told me where you going when I met him downstairs and I thought you'd like to have someone-."

"No," I said rather sharply, staggering a step or two back. My sea of guards from behind watching every movement like it was the last. "Leila, please, don't."

Her eyes didn't lower like they used too. Good. Jordan was getting her to come out more of her hollow shell, she had too many years of being no one.

Now I'm no one, a voice said in the back of my head. I wasn't jealous of the young female before me; Leila deserved a family and to be surrounded with people she loved, I just happened to loose mine at an unfortunate time.

"I'll talk to you back in the Pack house. Please have the others to have their bags packed and goodbyes said by the time I get back. We'll leave instantly," I said, thankful of how June kept my voice from wavering. The sad smile didn't meet her eyes when she stepped to the side with a mere nod. Her gaze caught me again and we shared a long look before the realization came upon me I had to go.

Just two days ago, I wouldn't have expected this outcome. The explosion, which nearly got us all killed, ironically saved us. Alpha Greysan, Alpha Singh and the other alliances came just in time, exploding the entrance to get to us which resulted with the cave-in over our heads. None of us were expected to live, we survived.

You can always know when history chooses to repeat itself. As soon as we were pulled out, I cheating another death, the rest of the altered wolfs, the ones who came for blood, were killed before stepping foot on SilverRose land. By the silver thorns of the silver roses beginning to bloom. An army of modified werewolves slaughtered within minutes because of simple delicately dangerously roses.

In the midst of it all though, I lost my family. Damon, who was hardly breathing, survived with serious, but not life threatening, injuries. I didn't feel any remorse for my actions but it was still a question that kept me awake the night before, as to why I was even here for someone like him.

I gave a wave of my hand as a gesture to the guards to standby. I didn't trust my words or voice, even as I opened the door and saw him sprawled on the hospital bed. He still had the scent of WolfsBane clinging to his body along with the rich odor of pinecones. There was a glistening sweat to his brows, long lashes heavily closed until I took another step and they opened.

"M-mio amore?"

"Don't call me that anymore." Taking a seat besides him before smacking the hand of his which came too close to my rounded stomach. "Don't call me mio amore, or darling or even my name Nora."

"I'm sorry," he heaved, taking off his oxygen mask. The doctors had said he was weak and would be for the next two weeks. "I'm sorry, sorry for everything I said or didn't say. I didn't know it would hurt you this much."

"You all lied to me and kept the truth from me and hadn't bothered once to tell me anything? Was I just that significant to you? All the time we spent wasn't enough for you?" I accuse darkly. "My parents died protecting me and you wanted me for dead? As bait to get what your stupid father wanted. Even if you had changed, you didn't mention anything."

"I-I'm sorry Nora, w-w-we were protecting you."

"Maybe I didn't want to be protected! For once you couldve treated me like your equal, your equilibrium as you had mentioned and you choose to keep me from the truth? Why didn't you tell me you wanted me dead at first? Or that you knew of the Mate bonding? My survival, the fact I shouldnt be alive right doesn't make you feel even the slightest Damon!" He flinched at the last words, leaving his head back to the risen pillow. There was more exhaustion in his eyes than this morning, although he wasn't awake when I last visited.

"I-I, fine," he said, his dark eyes drooping and chest heaving. "Whatever you want. Take whatever you want, do what you like. I wronged you and I will admit it today because I love you but I am sorry Nora, truly."

The hatred I remember feeling wasn't here anymore. June was numb, immune to Dylan's advances and in pain. She would shed her tears whenever I did. Mate, sadist, rapist and killer.

"Im going to be the Alpha," I concluded coldly, "You will be known as the Alpha to lead your Pack into destruction, just as similarly as the Alpha from the lost Luna, and Ill be the one to restore the Pack name as female Alpha. The one who rose from a lost Luna to the head in command of your vile Pack. Ill be the one to restore the lost glory and dignity you squandered away so carelessly and recklessly. From this moment forward Pack RedBlood with cease to exist and up will rise the Everlasting Pack, Pack La Paix Éternelle in honour of all those who have fallen before the RedBlood Pack.

"This is what I find fitting for everything you've done, and no. This isnt a punishment for your upbringing because none of that is anyone's fault. I want you think of this as a consequence for your actions. For allowing the greed of your power get to your head as similarly as your father did. Your mother was kind enough to end her Mate's life before he could truly do some damage to my family, but I wont be another Aria. History shall no repeat itself with me or anyone. If my children have to grow up fatherless, I wont even think of keeping the father in the picture then.

"We all make our own choices, and pave our own route. Even if it may mean to go away from what your parent's believed was right. May every death and suffering you'd have cause come to haunt you Mr.Damon Romano."
Surprise,yet again, my fellow readers!

The Author;

Pleasing the Heartless Alpha...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant