54. The Awakening to Something...

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She had made only a dozen steps when a cracked voice spoke up, freezing her in time. "Y-y-you owe me-e."

June growled deeply from her throat and Nora was forced to swallow it down. He could've easily gotten up and pinned her under himself, forcing his dominance on them but yet he didnt. He kept to the ground, coughing blood. "T-the day..when you trained-d with me. I-I...Y-you owe me."

"Want me to shove that cock of yours up your nose?" June snarled, churning Nora's eyes golden once more. Nora couldn't hold June back for longer. She only prayed Damon would shut up so she could suppress an explosive June to the back of her head but he stubbornly and obliviously kept talking.

"Nora," Damon winced, getting off the ground. The beating he sustained pained him to speak, his internal organs feeling like jello and broken ribs poking his rib cages. If he were human, he knew he'd be dead with a rib stakes through his heart within first strike.

"What?" Nora snapped, feeling her patience threading away by the second.

"N-Nora please if you can hear me, hear me out this once. I know I might not have a right to apologise or even repent for whatever pain I might have caused intentionally, or unintentionally but please. Im not only asking for you to return not so you have to deal with me but rather for your family and loved ones you have left back here. Your brothers, their Mates, your childhood friend Lia, Leila, everyone that loves and needs you in their life. You wouldn't leave them just so you could away from me, would you? Youd never be this selfish to care about yourself and leave the others to suffer for what is my mistake. I know I might have been more than a pain in your ass but there are others who deserve you here rather than me and they wouldn't ever be to live in peace knowing you left because of your awful Mate, who never treated you like one either. I can certainly try and that could be my promise to you. That Ill try. Im so sorry." He recited with some minor twitches, from the day when Nora's life was so close to threading away from existence when Damon admitted his infidelity to her and she went running out to meet a rouge wolf and nearly die. 

"How very original of you," June scoffed, the least bit effected by his shared words.

His eyes held no golden indicating his wolf was not in control and what Damon said, he meant. It was to hard to miss the strain on his voice when he recalled the painful memory of being nothing more than a horrible Mate.

"Nora please. I swear to do anything to change, please just be patient. One toe out of line and you and June can beat me however you want. I want to change and that's what you owe me from the day when you were training with me and you lost that bet to show me you could be my equal. All I ask for is guidance, comfort and support. Nothing sexual but what I mean is, just be here and you won't ever need to prove to me or anyone you are my equal because everyone will know by then. Please."

Nora stood with weak knees, threatening to give under. Realization bitch slapped her so hard she could the sting down to the bones. Nora wasn't leaving a life behind but also a new start with those she loved; Leila, Hunter, Lia, Jordan. She hadn't lost everyone who once looked up to her, she had some left and leaving meant something to hard for her to decipher.

So what? June said to her. Either you sacrifice yourself in becoming his psychiatrist or kiss your sweet freedom's ass goodbye. Although, if you think about, either way your giving your right to freedom and liberty.

But June...

You might as well go physically suck his dick now since that is what you are implying figuratively.

Since when have we reversed roles? Nora grunted.

I beg your pardon? June said.

Shouldn't I be the one wanting to run and you the one to convince me to stay and give him another try otherwise, Nora huffed.

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