19. The Stairway...

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"It's all my fault!" I sobbed with Ryan running his hand behind my back as I cried helplessly in his Mate's arms.

"No it isn't." She whispered back in a motherly tone. "You were going to be marked one day and we all shouldve known that day was coming. We just weren't expecting it that soon, that's all."

"Didn't know?" I exclaim, "Angel! I have Alpha Damon has my Mate! Alpha Damon Romano of the RedBlood Pack and what do you mean by weren't expecting it?" I accused.

"I won't be surprised if I'm pregnant by the end of this month because of him!" A loud noise between a gasp and cough chokes Ryan severely.

"Calm down Nora. You can't change the inevitable either," she shot an eyebrow, ignoring the last part. Unlike her, Ryan seemed to have tensed up from the last part. "Xavier was going react like this one day. You couldn't have possibly changed that." She stated as a matter-of-fact, dismissed Ryan's burning glare.

"Unbelievable Angel," I hiss, pulling away from her and rising up while slow clapping. Ryan hand grew still as he watched observingly and kept silent.

"First, you weren't expecting me being marked so soon and now you're blaming me for Xavier's outburst?" My voice and anger rising.

"To be honest Angel, I'm tired! I'm tired of being treated like a kid and scolded like one too! I'm a Luna God damnnit, not a pup. It's not my fault Xavier couldn't handle it rationally, and he overreacted." I felt like screaming which I knew I mostly likely was. "You said Xavier's reaction was bound to happen; it was inevitable. You know what's truly inevitable?" My voice cracks, mixing with my tears but despite them I stare dead into her brown eyes.

"That one day, I'll be forgotten. I'll be forgotten, and dying in a bed of an old hospital and I won't be able to catch a single glimpse of my Mate before I die because-e, he'll be too busy screwing with hoes in our bed. T-That's inevitable! Very soon when Damon does see me again, instead of talking and asking about how my day went, he'll be too busy raping me to hear my screams. That's also inevitable! But what's the most inevitable thing that could happen?" I ask, laughing wearily with them both staring at me wide eyes like I'd gone mad.

"That I'll be pregnant with his child eventually and he won't give a damn about me and neither the child. That's sad -I know- but that's the truth. I'll be rotting with my child in a cell and he'll be too arrogant to notice the pain he's inflicting on either of us. That's inevitable." I whisper softly with tear stained eyes, before storming out of the room and back to the main hallway, jolting up the stairs to my old bedroom.

My heart cries tears of blood but yet, I'm grateful they don't follow. My footstep echoed throughout the hollow house and creaked against the old floor boards, as I slam the door shut to my room and collapsed down against the door, pouring out all my feelings.

Betrayal constricted in my chest and disgust churched my stomach. Pain gnawed my insides making them raw, while my throat dried up.

What would he be doing now right, at this moment while his Mates away? Would he busy screwing his sluts or would he be busy raping innocent prisoners? Would he be torturing his servants, beating Leila into a pulp or would he be busying flirting with girls like Stephanie?

I cry, and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry, for what seems like hours but when I check, only 2 hours had passed.

No one came nor did anyone knock at the door durning those 2 hours but I felt Ryan's wolf down the corridor a couple of times, but just like I predicted his presence returned back to where he came, silently.

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