63. The Night Goes on...

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The bedside clock had struck the chime for 3 in the morning from besides Damon when he noticed something was amiss. The room's air stunk with the scent of perspiration and when he got himself upright, half groggily, he saw rather than sniffed the source.

"Nora, mio amore?" He called longingly to his thrashing Mate, a hand to her soaked hair. Nora was tossing relentlessly under the comforter, eyes still closed heavily and murmuring under her breathe which vaguely sounded like pleas and curses. Her flimsy shirts curved neck dipped with each toss she made, and he could almost see the cusp of her enlarged chest peeking through the thin grey fabric.

"Please open your eyes, mio amore, it's a nightmare," Damon began to shake her, worry straining his brows now. Antonio said the nightmares were common but she needed to be awakened immediately to avoid any stress on the baby or mother.

It took a bit of delicate force and Nora was awake, panting gravely as if she were outrunning a monster and nearly collided head first with Damon's head which had been too close. He peered down and sighed when Nora gulped a breathe, shooting herself to Damon's embrace. He began to stroke her back while she kept on trembling with fear. After assuring her she wasn't being chased by a gang of mean purple spiders riding green dinosaurs, trying to recruit her for the basketball team, Nora found herself dozing out to the steady rhythm of Damon's chest she laid atop.

They must have turned in their sleep, both of them for shortly after Damon heard the soft  and partially muffled sobs of the female he shared his bed with. Turning to face Nora, he rubbed at his eyes and yawned. "Why are you crying?"

The clock confirmed only 20 minutes had passed since the last time had Nora woken up from her night terror of spiders. Despite being still sprawled on the bed, he saw the swell of tears in her eyes and instantly rose with a serious expression. "Nora? Are you okay?" Damon etched a look of concern when pressing a hand to her bulging stomach and one to her lower back, "The babies, are they okay? How do you feel? Do you feel sick again? Do you need that lemon honey tea Leila makes to help with the-"

"I want McDonald's," Nora said rather lowly as if she were derived of joy.

Damon shook his head lightly. "This is the fourth time this month Nora you've pulled this stunt of yours-"

"Babies want McDonald's!" Nora cried harder, rubbing a hand over her enlarged stomach, her salty tears now dripping down at an alarming rate.

"Im getting the keys," Damon exhaled, pulling himself away from the warmth of the bed. Thank god Ollie slept like the dead, he couldn't have dealt with both of them. Yawning, he took a hold of the keys from one of the many bedside drawers and heard a low whimpering noise as soon as he stood up.

"Do you want me to carry you to the car?" He asked simply though he should've known better. His Mate nodded eagerly, not saying a word, still wearing a saddened pout and rubbing her belly.


"Ill have two large McFlurries, both Oreo with extra cookies crumbles, four large fries with extra salt and three fountain drinks, and about 5 swirled ice creams in about 20 minutes but Ill be paying now. And oh, also he may need assistance in carrying that all to my table, please and thank you," Nora chided at the dumbfounded cashier who hadn't even had the time to punch in the first of Nora's order.

He was a teen, utterly human, hardly a senior at high school with his squared glasses, acne scarred chin and gaping mouth he had greeted them with a yawn at first.  It was 4:10 am when Damon had pulled into the driveway of the local restaurant in his black Ferrari Nora preferred. Everyone in the back kitchen looked half awake with their squinting, heavy lidded eyes, Damon wouldn't be surprised if he found one employee sleeping on the tabletop.

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