43. The Promise...

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Dear Damon,

Im writing to you directly now my angel. You probably cant even stand reading this, thinking in the back of your head that this your father's killer leaving a taunt even after death but my angel you must. If you think in any point that Im being dishonest or manipulate with you, know this, you cant stop reading if you wish to uncover the truth. This is your way to the truth.

Whatever you heard about what happened that night, forget it. I will tell you what happen.

Your father, my Mate wanted to kidnap and torture newly orphaned children no older than you  into signing the treaty binding both Packs to one. One of which a newborn not even a week old.

Where I couldn't bare to think of such a thing, your father wanted to put it in action as soon as possible. He had everything ready. The second he would get that last stamp of approval, he'd have the children burned just as their parents. Im not making any of this up, not one idea came from my head.

I loved him. Don't think  you dare think any of this lessened that love I had for him. I loved Rocco to my last dying breathe and that's why I stopped him from committing such a terrible mistake he'd surely regret later.

Despite how much your father hurt me, I still mourned his death after slipping that lethal WolfsBane into his food. He wasn't ready to stop or to listen to me. He'd hadn't in years. I had no other choice my angel.

You were always the gem of my life. I never wanted you to leave you. You were all I had left.

When I saw the window of opportunity, I couldnt resist myself from hurling myself at it. You were out training with Beta Ranon at the time it happened. I only hope by the time you come back it'd be all over.

Shortly after writing this, I will go consume the same WolfsBane that ended his life to join him in the afterlife -if there is one even. I never feared the thought of dying. Ive seen many of those I loved die before my eyes. I fear more for you. To leave you standard with a Pack to uphold.

I know you'll be the Alpha instantaneously the word breaks out of your father's death. All I want to advise is be yourself. Dont follow the path your father was trailing on. That path of his is what got him killed. He paved his death the second he hatched the idea of building the most fierce Pack anyone's ever envisioned. Dont do his wrong son.

Loving Rocco landed me here but Damon my angel, it wouldn't be the same for you. Most certainly not! Your Mate whoever she may be will love you til her last breathe. She'll have your back in the dark, even if no one here to stand with you. She wont hold any hatred or grudges. She'll just love you unconditionally. Dont doubt her affection for second.

Just treat as the Queen she is and I promise she'll outshine everyone.

Even if you were to do something that would upset that precious soul, apologise son. No matter how much pain you inflict repent and make the amends necessary to be forgiven.

Just as you used to do when you would accidentally knock over the line of of freshly washed clothes when playing outside or the time when you decided to install the trampoline inside the house and made that hole up in the parlour room ceiling. You'll thank me later.

I just hope this letter gets to you before you find the one so you treat her as I raised you to be.

Goodbye my angel. May you be the Alpha Mate that your mother couldn't have.

~Luna Aria Romano, Your mom

Another one for my lovelies...

The Author;

Pleasing the Heartless Alpha...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora