38. The Deliberate Move...

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After bidding farewell to Sister Cath and all the orphans, we reached back to the car and drove home in silence. Although we refused to exchange a word with each other of that trip, doesn't mean I wasnt thinking heavily about it. Instead I was, attempting to make meaning of it all. We reached the suite by nightfall, never making it to were Damon was meant to be but never once did he bring it up.

We reached to the suite, I used the washroom first while Damon was making some calls. My eyes grew heavy and before I knew it I had fallen asleep to an empty bed. Next morning, Damon had vanished like always, Celeste replacing his spot when I awoke. We packed in silent and within the next 30 minutes I was on the flight back home. Damon met me and my herd of guards at the check-in counter, and together in pin-drop silence we boarded the flight, being sure to grab some coffee beforehand. Almost 10 hours after I hear his voice and thats for asking me for my coffee preference.

We boarded and I was not surprised to find him as my flight passenger. Hours later we make it out the airport to be greeted by Kaden and his cigarette fumes along his indifferent herd of security. "Happy New Year to you too brother."

"Brother?" I react instantly, drawing both their heads in my direction while trying not to wrinkle my face from the horrid stench reeking off Kaden.

"Not by blood exactly," Damon says for a first. I had to say, no matter the month Damon remained to faze me every single time. The grey sheet of cloud over the sky seemed to match oddly well with his bad boy, black leather jacket over matching steel grey shirt and worn jeans.

"We've had each other's backs for so long, we're no less than brothers." Kaden acknowledged with Damon's hint of approval. "Enough chitter-chatter now. We having more pressing issues pending brother."

"They can wait," Damon replied smoothly, snapping his fingers. A guard from Kaden's herd maneuvered around to take the trolley from the him as Damon walked forward with Kaden, leaving me behind. "What's the hurry?"

Kaden turns to wait for me to join rather than discard me with the guards and I waste no time in following. Even with my woolen beanie, scarf, matching gloves and heavy trench coat, I was trembling from the early morning coldness. "Believe me when I say I wish for the  exact same but unfortunately it may be better if you were to take action now before things rise out of hand." He says to Damon, leading us out to the long line of SUV's.

"What is it?" Damon halts by the foot of the car with his hands folded in his pockets like always. He rises an eyebrow at me scurrying behind Kaden before looking for an answer at Kaden. "I rather say in the car than here and as far as it goes for Nora darling on accompanying us. Trust me, she'll want to hear this."

Damon doesn't argue, but gives one final nod at me and takes a seat in the back while leaving the door one for me on his way in. "After you." Kaden ushers me in before slamming the door shut behind him. He takes the driver's seat and spares no time in leading us on wards. We were out the airport, and on the highway by the time he began explaining.

"So while you two were rendezvousing in New York for the New Year's, things here were beginning to worsen. I managed to keep to the low until now, but God know's how much longer it will."

"What the hell are you saying Kaden?" Damon said infuriatingly, refusing to look up from his phone's screen. "If you cant hear yourself let me be the one to inform you that you're sounding awfully vague to be making any sense."

Kaden turned, taking up an exit and emerging into some internal lanes with heavy evergreen forestry. "Damon," Kaden said with agony through gritted teeth as if it were burning him to contain it to himself. "The Pack's demanding you hold the CommonWealth Game soon. Actually, as in today soon, soon!"

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