22. The Dealthy Silence...

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The strong fume of sterilized needles and hard, cold grown coffee was the first to hit my nostrils, telling me automatically I had ended up in a hospital.

My body felt stiff as a wire and too exposed without the sense of familiarity of my own clothes; like an insect clogged inside a petri dish seconds away from dissection. Coldness flushes over me, leaving me just as feverish and delirious as expected. My throat's sandy texture, forcing to be silent. After realization, I recognize the second most strongest scent of no doubt my Mates. Wait! Hold up. Rewind. My Mates?!

I pry apart my sandpaper like eyes, to the shine of white light. Slowly and gradually, my eyes adjust to discover the white light as the ceiling of the white room I was in. The light was just sunlight was just starting pour in front the window.

Damon was no were to be seen, just like anticipated. I snort. He'd most likely be to busy fucking with some newly hired nurse that's on her lunch break, in the closet behind the clean agents to give a shit.

I glance around to check my surrounding out to see nothing surprising. Several different heart monitors were attached to my heart from under my crisp paper like robe and IV drips decorating my arms. Needles just adore me..!

There was even a blood bag hiding on the stand behind another new IV bag.

God, what happened and how on earth did I land up in a hospital.? I slam my head backwards on my pillow.

Does a red pickup truck crashing into us and causing our car to tip over ring a bell? June suggested, and my eyes perks up. Nevermind, you probably wouldn't have.

Awe thanks for the reminder...bitch, I scoff but end up wincing. My intestines felt like gush and I suddenly -but not surprisingly, felt like I wanted to vomit.

"Ouchhhh," I hold my head painfully. My head throbbed, and ached with each pulse. You could get the scene by now.

Tears were blurring my visions from the pain when the door flipped open and a scrawny petite nurse came strolling in. I snuffle my tears as she walks closer and sets the tray with a jug of water and new IV bag, down on the table by my side.

She was a brunette in a tight white dress with a plunging neckline and too-high-to-be-allowed skirt. Her uniforms first 4 buttons were unbuttoned, making her neon bra sharply visible, suggesting the type of care I could most likely get from here.

"Umm, excuse me nurse," I ask. "Can I have some painkillers for my head please?"

She looks up and flashes her copper plated eyes with sharp winged eyeliner in my direction. "Forgive me Luna. I can't prescribe any pain meds without a doctor's prescription." She spat.

"Oh, Could you probably then-," I replied but before I could ask for a glass of water, she had already trudged out shutting out my loud calls. "I WAS TALKING TO YOU!"

Why does our Mate have to have such bitches for a Pack? I ask June, as a single tear falls down my cheek.

I don't know! I'm gonna give Dylan a fucking piece of my mind next time I see him, I swear, she growls.

Who's Dylan? I sniffle

Damon's wolf, she sighs. Trust me when I say he's not as half as mental as Damon.

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