37. If It Was Meant To Be...

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My body went storming into the Damon as our car ran over something. "Uff, sorry," I murmur lowly, avoiding all eye contact possible with him as I scurried back to my side against the window. We were headed down the road in the direction I had escape from.

My breathing condition had worsens, dropping to a more heavier type of panting right after Damon left his growl free. "I-I..n-never...I-I..d-didnt-"

Damon had squeezed my arms harder, making me choke back my half uttered words. "Who did you mean by him?" He inquired in his Alpha authoritative tone. He hadnt seemed fazed by my confusion. The ring around his pupil had pulsed golden, unlocking the gates of my soul.

By that moment, June was replaced by myself and I told him everything. From the hotel lobby, me clearly instructing him to take me somewhere I could've cleared my mind, vanishing of guards, Taylor, the crash from the attack launched by me, running; everything.

I didn't dare bring up the talk convo between Taylor and I, knowing drama it could unfold. Whether I mentioned or not, I saw something shift in Damon's expression when I told him of what Taylor had said about the forest attack. As if a ding of realization struck him off guard. By the end, I was heaving heavily, hearing Damon yell for a solid ten minutes at the guards who where surrounding us.

The car slowed down before stopping entirely in the middle of no where. Seeing the oddly twisted branches, they reminded me of hands, hands ready to pull you into the midst of the trees never to be seen again. I release the thought with a shrug, hugging my arms while walking towards the front with the newly crew of guards positioned behind me. "My Alpha. There seems to be a dent in this tree's bark like it was struck by a large object, perhaps the car the Luna rode in."

Damon took a good look at the tree, his brows furrowed as if he were in reviewing the scene, playing out what had happened. He blinked, turning to the ground and nodding shortly after. "There's also shards of glass everywhere." he pointed in various areas with his bulging hands, "Indicating the blow to the tree as a car's."

He took his time surveying the tree again when he began advancing closer in its direction. Curiosity getting the best of me, I also take a step or two towards it, being sure to keep a good distance away from the glass shards and the tree itself. Damon kneels, standing up with a dirty duffel bag in one hand and a now stained version of my recently ordered book Warcross in the other. My clammy folded hands went to the book first. "Oh mon Dieu! Je viens d'acheter ce livre. Fils de pute!"

The guards gawked awkwardly, watching me swear my hearts contents out. Damon's guard slipped and I saw his lips twitch a bit upwards but pretending to unhear any of it, he turned to head back to the car. I soon join him and was about to hop in when I heard him swear, this time in Italian from the other side. Despite not knowing much Italian myself, it vaguely sounded familiar to my curse. "Figlio di puttana."

Tossing my book and bag onto my seat, I go around the back and met his stare at the flattened tire with the fragments of glass deeply buried inside. Damon released an exaggerated sigh of frustration before slapping his door shut and punching the side of the car with his fist. Luckily it left no visible dent, yet. A guard from each of the SUV, one from in front and the rear, arrived jogging. "My Alpha. All 4 tires are entirely flattened," One reports with the other nodding in agreement. "My Alpha it's the same for ours. They're all flattened beyond the point of driving from the glass."

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