52. The Distraught...

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Nora's POV;

Tears had failed me, they couldn't express what and how I was feeling. My body was aching as if I were trampled by a herd of cattle or rode over by a dozen bus but my heart swelled from fullness and content. Funny, tears were the ultimate way to express anything; sadness, joy, grieve, and despite experiencing them altogether, I had no tears left to shed.

Laying in the darkness with my eyes shut and arms spread out by my sides, I could hear my raspy throat crack ready to welcome the streams of tears. I hear my breathing slowly cripple to the hurt, my body screaming in protest.

There wasn't a place where his scent was not present. I was laying in a flowerbed of Damon's scented nightshade, slowly chocking and dying on the fragrance of viciously poisoned flower. My eyes were burning but forced to open to his haunting scent, to find a single folded note laying on the empty spot besides mine. There was a sagging dent and lingering warmth on the sheet, indicating a body of another.

I had only to extend my hand before I was holding the note with my name in small royally cursive letters. Holding the note in the sunlight over my head, I felt the power emitting from the letter, casting an almost dark grey aura I was dearly dreading.

The note was a calling I couldn't ignore. The bond was stronger than ever, like an anchor with a chain of solid gold and I felt it weigh me down as I unfolded the note, reading the beautifully gorgeous writing and remarkably brief words of my Mate.

We're to be heading home by late evening, most likely around 6. Be ready.


The note fell my from my fingers, slicing a thin line on it's way down my bed. My mind was fuzzing with thoughts, anger seeming to be the last of my worries.

Getting myself to be upright was hard, but not as hard as getting to my feet which pained with the pressure while walking to the bathroom. Still tangled with the bed spread and partially limping, my body seemed to have been on auto pilot when forgetting the sheets to the bathroom floor and spilling into the tub filling with water so hot, it appeared to be steaming.

The water scorched my skin at first touch, my skin flaring up with redness from the blood rushing beneath my veins. My eyes numbed, and while I was debating whether or not to go under, the tear droplets finally came through.


Would you say you're night owl or an early bird?

Im definitely a night owl, I cant function right in the daylight. In the nighttime around 12 is when I get my jolt to become productive and get my life in order.

Doing math homework? Night.

Dusting my bookshelves? Night.

Sharpening every pencil in my bag? Night.

Watching crash course or buzzfeed unsolved? Night.

Reading Wattpad? You guessed it, night.

~Good night...😴

The Author;

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