70. //Epilogue 2//

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Talk to him!

Oh god, wait, I will but not now! I need time June.

Look cupcake, waiting another day or another week or even a year is not going to help settle your nerves. Go, talk to him, because god help you child if you don't. Do you want those sons of yours, Nathan and Ashton, to grow up without a male figure in their life? What sense does that make when their biological father is alive and in the same house! June retorted, obliviously pissed to even be discussing this for the tenth time this week.

It's been a week since my delivery. My body has recovered for the most part but there's still a stiffness in my joints that only a month's worth of exercise could recover. Lately, it was my own dreadful thoughts that were consuming me instead of than the aches and pains.

Nursing two kids, changing two diapers, and rocking two crying babies was a challenge I could not do much longer alone. Leila and the others could only help so much, very much devoted to settling the Pack affairs and what not.

I was a single mother after all, I chose this.

Even with the father just two levels below the newly constructed house, staying in the Omega quarters by the kitchen with two others.

It was well past midnight, the others were at a dinner meet with Alpha Greysan's Pack and the other two Omegas had asked to visit their parents. In the house it was him and I, with our snoozing two sons.

I rose from I was perched on the floor against their crib, the marking of the wooden bars on my forearms. Nathan had been suffering from a terrible fever and finally was getting some rest with his brother rolled up besides him, flat on his tummy and butt in the air. I hadn't slept in my bed since Monday and I think today's Wednesday? I can't be sure, time is just a concept when you have a wailing and burning newborn who couldn't stomach his milk very much without retching it up.

I didn't know if Damon knew about our sons. Every time I tried to smile at him, he frowned and kept on doing his tasks. I hadn't even seen him at nights and mornings sometimes. He hadn't checked up on me and neither had he ever brought me food but I knew for a fact he could hear our sons screaming. Jordan and Leila could, so he could too.

However, Hunter kept regularly checking up whereas to Damon I was pretty nonexistent. I felt neglected but it was because of my stupidness. I can't be an Alpha and a single mother alone.

Feeling horrible, and a bit hungry, I made my way out the room as quietly as I could without waking the two beasts again. The place was pretty quiet, that is until I heard the thumping coming from the kitchen.

I pull on the full sleeves of my shirt before turning to investigate. A scorching burn suddenly erupted the junction of my neck, right where I knew I was marked. Quickly, holding my neck, I go down the stairs and into the hall to discover the heavy scent of sex in the air: coming from the kitchen no less.

June grew aggressive in a matter of moments.

I was silent, quiet as a mouse as I rounded to threshold to the kitchen to see a naked Tracy, seated atop our marble countertop, back constantly hitting our white wooden cupboards as she rode our her ecstasy to Damon's tongue eating her out below. He was dressed nicely in a whitened shirt and black pants now stained white, and God damn, had pulled up a chair and was seated on it as he held apart her thighs and reddened ass.

They hadn't know there was an audience, wouldn't have even because Tracy was moaning so loud, I'm surprised the two beasts above were still sleeping. But I saw it. I saw the new claim bright as a red flag on her throbbing neck. It should've been a sorry sight to see June huffed, but I had tears in my eyes.

Allow me princess, June fought to take over. I felt my eyes pulse before she made me straighten my posture and cough louder than that bitch's moan.

Damon must have froze, for Tracy stopped moaning, opening her indifferent eyes to finally see her audience.

"What do you think you are doing?" June said coldly, hands placed behind her back. "On the counters nonetheless."

Damon gave a wicked grin while wiping the ends of lips with the brush of his finger. "Always the stuck up June. I was just eating my dinner."

I felt a primal part of me snap. June whimpered, flinching in pain from hearing Dylan talk to her in such a way after Damon's, or their, actions.

He stalked up to me, smirking before frowning at my smaller height when being so close. He smelled of cones but also of the space between Tracy's legs. "Why?" I ask gently, feeling more hurt then ever, even more than the time I found out he kept so much hidden from me.

"Because," he said shortly, "you took away my title, you took away our sons and now you interrupt me having my meal because it's about you now."

"I wanted to apologize for some time now," I sat with a sniffle, crossing my arms before my chest. "I wanted another chance for us because I can't take it but-"

"But, I don't want to take that chance anymore. It's over Nora, sorry, Alpha," Damon seethed, making me slowly step back out of the threshold. His eyes were a dangerous gold I wouldn't dare object too. "You wanted this, you got it. Learn to accept your decision because that's what being an Alpha means. You can mother our sons all you like."

"Damon, I'm sorry. I thought," I say without thinking, not knowing how to complete my sentence.

"You think too much," he laughed. "I don't want our sons, I don't want you, I don't want to be this stupid omega anymore, so you know what? I'm out. I was stupid to stay here this long when I should've know I've outlived my welcome.

"Oh, speaking of," he took the finger he used to clean the edges of his lips and smeared the juice over my cheeks with a flick. Dark amusement was all over his features as I gasped in horror, even as he slammed the door in my face.

"That's for ruining my meal." He bellowed behind the locked door.


This for you all you readers saying my ending was the worse thing ever and I had to change it 😊

Sorry, not sorry. Life isn't kind.

(Not to make fun of anyone's sentiments, but this book isn't meant to be happy)

The Author;

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