41. The Skeletons of Not So Long Ago...

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There wasn't an inch of my body that was not screaming in protest. Seeing all that blood dripping from the dreaded end of that whip, seeping the walls and spattered over Hunter was gruesome enough to make a grown man pause, let aside give a sixteen year old body aches.

Damon was here for the entire time, looking somewhat satisfied by Hunter but annoyed from the time he was taking inbetween lashes. I didnt know how Hunter would sleep after this, probably nightmares of the incident causing him to have restless nights for now on. God bless his poor soul.

After finally hitting fifty, Hunter had fell to his knees, trying to get Leila to stir, moan or give any indication she was still breathing. She gave none but after checking her pulse from the side of her sweaty neck, he gave a relieved sigh. Damon had went pass them both, hardly any more indifferent than he ever was, ordering Carter to get some Omegas here to clear the mess before stomping down the stairway, not once stopping to see the damage he had done behind.

The way Leila was crippled lifelessly had enraged me beyond expected. Surprisingly though, I went quietly with Kaden when he wrapped my arm over his neck to hoist myself up. I didn't once let my eyes wander nor blink from the site. Even as Kaden lead us to the way to bedroom.

The bedroom was worse than the hallway, it stunk of blood, Silver, sweat  and long dried desperation. My first instinct were to run. An unease wave of nausea swarmed the content of my stomach. My breathing hitched from the Déjà vu as if I were being suffocated in my own body.

Kaden seemed to notice, his brows furrowing. "Nora, it's alright. Just breathe calmly. Everything will be fine."

"J-just leave me," I exahled, taking a seat on the bed's edge.

"Just breathe as easily as you can manage while I go fetch that figlio di puttana Antanio-" "No you won't. You wont be doing anything of that sort. Ill be fine, leave me now." I objected after swallowing some heavy gulps of air.

"Nora-" "Just do as I say damnit! No Rossi, just...no one. Leave." I said now tiredly, no energy leftover to interrogate anymore with anyone.  I secretly prayed he caught the hint in my tone to shut up without me saying.

"Im sorry you had to see that Nora. I truly am," He sounded sincerely remorseful, I didnt know to whether to fall or not. "You're not the type of person who should be getting used to seeing stuff like that. You deserve more than that. You deserve more than to be locked in your own room like a prisoner."

He averted his gaze. "He's ordered me lock the door on my way out but I dont want to Nora. I want to stay with you but Damon has my hands tied with Hunter-" "Dont say anymore. Just do it. Ive grown used to it by now." I informed him. His eyes deepened with sympathy, resting a hand on my back before heading and locking the door behind him. The lock tumbled into place.

I slid down my back rubbing against the edge of the bed, crippling myself on the ground, cradling my knees to my chest and curling up into a ball. Hot tears swelled my eyes and I was unable to see, everything in the room blurred into one.

No one entered. Hours ticked by in blinks. Nightfall came after an eternity. Maybe it were for the best to leave me in my solitude because it there wasn't nothing dangerous on this planet than a hurting She-Wolf crying out for the blood of revenge to the Moon Goddess.

After burying my face into the bowls of my knees, I rose my parched eyes to see the radiant white blades of the moon's ray shimming in a pool of translucent silver in the dark. Crawling on the floor with the softest part of my palm, I inch towards it, hauling my dead feet below me. Basking in the fluoresce beams with glassy eyes, a single drop trickled down the face of my cheek onto the stale ground where it twinkled in the glorious shafts. As if it were the gem of the world. I shouldve destroyed my heart when I had the option so it wouldn't have hurt this much.

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