12. The Collisions...

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Oh god! How many glasses did we have last night? I ask June, rolling my head sluggishly on my pillow while I used my stiff arm to rub my eyes tiredly.

I sense her roll her eyes. I swear, I haven't seen a girl nearly half as weak and dumb as you. You think alcohol would cause this hot, sexy adrenaline rush coursing through our connection?

Just when I realized June had officially lost it because she was making no sense, I block her out causing a headache to come bursting in. My head throbbed as I stirred throughout the bed, moaning from pain amongst the warm sheets hugging my body.

Just when I had snuggled my pillow closer to my face, a gentle thump thump at the door startles me. I shot upright making a sharp sting run down my neck. My hand instinctively curls around my neck, making the area burning up.

When I don't hear another knock, I shrug it off as my imagine and tiredly fall back into the bed, hugging the sheets closer. Just when the cozy darkness was starting to creep in, there was another knock at the door.

Cursing out loud, I roll my face to eye the time in the clock by my bedside table. 7:50 am. Swearing again, I cover my face with the sheets pretending it'll just go away as if it was figment of my imagination.

After a few minutes of silence, instead of a knock, I hear the door slam open making me toss the sheets away angrily.

"Okay! Who the hell-?" I stop after I glance at the person who just strode in.

A strangely familiar male, looking no older than 20, with dark hair that was glistening from the sun's light and that had an unusual blend of colors for his eyes, trudged in causally.

I frowned from failing to recognize to him. He eyes me suspiciously as he slyly places a cigarette in his mouth and that's when I remember. My mouth hangs open slightly as he lights his cigarette with the same metal lighter from that alley. "You're-?"

"The one who saved your ass back in that alley and the one who knocked some sense into you too?" He questioned, after huffing out a cloud of smoke.

"What are you doing here?!" I yell, rubbing my temple.

While my right hand was too busy gathering the sheets tight within my grasp, I sat uptight against the head board and while doing so, I chewed on my lower lip.

"Where else is one suppose to be when guarding their Luna?" He hummed, crossing his arm over his chest. He had traded his formal tuxedo for plain jeans with a tight grey shirt.

"Can you first wait for me to be out of bed before you start your guard duty?" I seethe, covering my mouth to prevent another incoming yawn afterwards.

"Or are you going to guard me while Im brushing my teeth as well?" I snap irritatedly.

"Looks like someone had a rough night," I heard him mutter under his breath.

"Excuse me?" I ask sarcastically, giving him the opportunity to change his answer.

"Nothing. Get up before I call Damon here and let me just warn you, he won't be happy," I was about to stand up when I tossed the covers aside to find the hem of my dress torn severely all the way up to my thigh.

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