71. //Alternative Epilogue//

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So I had no real intention of creating this alternative, but Pleasing the Heartless Alpha just struck 1M reads??

Actually it did last night/early morning at 4:34 am; ask my bestie who stayed awake to witness the change from 999k to 1Million. Never expected 1Millon reads after almost 5 years. I was 14/15years old when I wrote this and I'm turning 20 now. Life has changed so here's something for y'all!

Check out "Regina Luna," the newest book I'm working on. It'll be a happy end, I assure y'all.

Back to Nora and Damon now! To read this chapter, discard the last two epilogues. This picks up from the events of the last official chapter, chapter 68 with bits of the first epilogue.

My water had broken early in the afternoon just as I was going up the staircase to go to my bed. The pain was so staggering and crippling that I had nearly fallen back, if it weren't for my friends being in the study below. They heard the first gasp and came thundering to catch a hold of me, Jordan having to hoist me into his arms while Emma got the car.

They drove and took me to the hospital in a matter of moments. When I was scared, they held my hand and promised I would be okay. After hours of screaming and breaking my friend's arms, quite literally too, I had my two dark haired fraternal sons cradled in my arms. Ashton and Nathan Faith.

My brothers hadn't come or even known of me going into labour. I made sure after getting my share of the SilverRose Pack, those who chose to come and side with me (which were many) that we kept our relations formal. In my defense they distanced themselves away first, thinking they were right and never apologized for the years worth of secrets. Sadly, they were one of the few I had no choice but to cut out of my life. Maybe one day I could heal the bridge between us but it wasn't going to be anytime soon. I still loved them though.

But just as I thought, it wasn't over that day. Whereas I had lost one part of my old self, I made another from the embers. With Emma interlocking her remaining Pack with mine, we formed the biggest Pack to existence, with Damon's catastrophically large Pack of course. It was nearly triple the size of Damon's original Pack, leaving SilverRoses far, far behind in land masses and numbers. Luckily, members of Damon's old Pack also favored my rule and rooted against those who oppressed them (especially the remaining Heads of Damon's committee). Those who gave a resistance were killed or if given proper reasoning as to why they didn't support me, let go of the Pack.

Majority all served me without hesitation, especially because of my friends. Hunter and Leila vowed to help whenever possible as did Lia and Katharine. Jordan left Zayn to be with me in my service when we were forming the new Pack. Emma signed her authority to me, wanting nothing more than to be the delegate she desired to be. Together, they promised while pledging their oaths before the Pack. I assured then they could decapiate me if I turn into a tyrant.

Carter, Rossi and Jace, unsurprisingly, swore their alliance to me as Alpha while Kaden awaited to face trial for his crimes. Since Damon was no longer Alpha, everything Kaden had done was revealed by the Pack members before Kaden could tell me himself. In the time of his incarceration alone, Kaden attempted suicide by drinking himself to the verge of death, with wolfsbane mixed in as well, and slipped into a dreamless coma. Not only had he missed out on his consequences, he was sadly leaving Lia to be pregnant alone and leaving his grieving siblings.

Hunter and Katharine, despite living in the same house as me as head Gamma and Beta, were still working on their relationships. It wasn't perfect, their fights could be heard rather easily but at least they tried. Jordan was thrilled to live with Leila. Just the other day when Hunter was bickering with Jordan, Leila announcement she was pregnant too. We were all so happy, we had gone out to the movies for a private screening at 12am to celebrate.

This being said, Emma was still stuck between her ass Mates. She tried to keep it real with them, but they usually found reason to push each other's buttons. She usually slept with me in bed when things got serious, which was mostly everyday. I don't blame her, Carter and Jace were merciless in their arguments.

And Damon, despite being somewhat innocent from the start, is here too in my life. After getting the Pack matter sorted from my brothers, I took the land with my parent's old house on it, the one which was remade from the old fire and the one where I was nearly killed in, twice.

A part of me which was wasn't June, thought I had been too hard on him whereas another part of me told me to move on and seek another relationship. Every time the thought of another man knowing me that intimately as Damon had came into my mind, it made me rub my neck, by my mark. Today he was suppose to come home from the hospital, which is why I was pacing before the back kitchen door.

Knowing Damon, he'd probably want to avoid me so the front door was out of the equation. I don't blame him, I said a lot of stuff. Stuff I meant but also didn't want to say like how I had.

There were footsteps coming to the door before they stopped. My heart thundered so loud it felt ready to combust with another breathe of air. What do I say, what do I say, what do I say!

The glass to the back kitchen door was frosted, meaning I only saw his silhouette when he took another few steps forward. The door clicked and Damon stepped in, closing it behind himself. I surveyed him from head to foot and my stomach lurched. He was hurt badly, which is why he took so long to return from the hospital.

"You saw that I came home," Damon said lowly, almost as a whisper meant for me.

I swallow the dry lump in my throat. Jordan had sent him the invite to stay here, or rather to visit so we could talk. "I did. But, Damon-"

"You're an Alpha," he bowed his head. "This is all yours, as it should have been."


"Nora please. You deserve it, really. You deserve the fucking moon," He said with the utmost earnest. My heart squeezed with tightness. There was no mocking tone or double meaning.

"I was the moon you sang too," I whispered, crossing my hands over my chest. "You did bad stuff and I tried to forget which was my mistake. I should have accepted them, and not have forgotten you were a young boy without a family."

"I'm not a good person," Damon said, wincing when he tried to move forward. He was in grey sweats that looked bulky around his knees, and a black shirt that exposed the white bandages around his palms and upper biceps. He also had a nasty gash I suppose didn't heal due to the wolfsbane.

"I didn't get hurt like you did, I didn't die from the wolfsbane you indigested," I heaved a breathe.

He nodded weakly, looking down and not meeting my eyes. "Rossi has been giving me certain herbal pills to help lessen this bond between us without killing us entirely. I couldn't afford you or your babies to be hurt for my reckless. I have done enough to hurt you all."

"Our babies," I said with a sob, tearing welling in my own eyes. "You're so much more than a good person. Damon, I'm sorry for attacking you when you were at your lowest."

He gave a rattled exhale. "Nora, I am sorry for the lies and secrecy. I want to kill myself-"

Staggering back, I had run forward into his arm, wrapping my arms around his middle as I sobbed. After composing himself, I felt the gentle weight of his hands around my back too. A hand came up to stroke my hair.

"Never say that again Romero," I yelled as loudly as I could against his chest. "I want us to work. I really want us to work."

"I do too, Faith," he rasped, his chin pressing into the crook my of neck. "One day at a time?"

Given my state, I could only muster a single word. "Please."



Official conclusion. Aug 2021

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