45. The Heart Knows What It Wants...

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Damon's POV;

It was a clear starry night. The florescence sphere above basked the land beneath in rays of lights, stars twinklings in the nightlife like a sheet of billion reflecting diamonds.

Hair stood on my forearm with the passing of a breeze. Hands furrowed in my trouser's pocket I cock my head, surveying the experience of Kaden's party from afar. The oddly shaped pool was flashing with life, colours changing every other second. Drunk Pack member's loomed in and out the pool deck, skin more revealed than covered especially with the girls in their shameful two pieces. Their elegant evening gowns were forgotten in a heap in the corner.

Torches were lit framing the poolside, lawn and porch, light from inside the house hardly visible with the swaying of the curtains. Laughter and chatter could be easily heard, voices easily distinguishable. My ears perked in hope of hearing something above them all.

Kaden told me he had invited her, though he never confirmed if she came when I mind linked him. I don't know what I was expecting more, her being here or not.

My eyes narrowed on onto a dark figure, stumbling and cursing around the side of the pool most empty. I transfer my weight off my feet and walk out from the darkness on to the lawn. Given the highly intoxicated state of everyone present, I could freely walk through without them sparing a second glance. A few of them on the more sober side, gave no more than mere sloppy nod before lifting the glass to their greedy mouths.

"Kaden." I approached the figure now as he was sprawled on the ground, legs out stretched before him and a palm on the ground to hold himself up with while his head was drooping to the side. His clear hand held a glass of amber liquid with the most repugnant scent I'd recognize anywhere. It was an unique of blend of whiskey, tequila and four of the rarest rums from around the globe, Kaden's specialty as he called it. "Kaden," I sigh again.

His head titled to the other side, peeking a glance up through his dark locks. "Ah, brother, brother, brother, brother. Finally someone I can talk too-" "Do you want your mouth stapled?" "-or not," He huffed, tilting back his head to drink his glass's contents.

I roll my eyes, catching Hunter without his coat and only in his suit's dark vest talking lowly with an arm around Leila reassuringly on the outer staircase going to the top bedrooms. He said something that made Leila hiccup with tears into her palm. Reaching over, he drew her in to himself.

"So it's true then," I said, without shifting my eyes from them, "You're all siblings."

"No, I figured we were a family of bloody thirsty penguins," Kaden murmured from beneath. Cursing under his breathe he rose off the ground, staggering back a few steps before fully standing. Even when standing tall, I noticed his body leaning to one side.

"And about her and Rossi?" I asked curiously, triggering Kaden to purse his lips downwards. "It's true then, the rumour of that teenager who raped a 6 year old Omega years ago. It was Rossi who done it to Leila, he raped her as a child starting her career as an Omega."

"That fucking fucktart still touches her as he did all these years ago! It was also rumoured he stopped all those years ago but that's nothing more than a rotten lie. She didn't say a word you know," Kaden said sounding remorseful. "Even right after he'd leave her molested body slumped in the corner, struggling to get off the ground. Struggling to fend off the other unMated males with one only intent on their nut sized mind as they would forcefully make their way into her.

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