18. The Home...

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"Are you sure that WolfsBane isnt still meddling with your mind?" Kaden asked for the tenth time in under 3 minutes, leaning against the wall staring as if I had grown horns.

I grit my teeth, getting slightly ticked off. "No but you are right now and I swear I might just rip your balls and staple them to your forehead if you don't shut your damn crap hole."

Maya barks laughing, standing up and wiping her hand on a rag. "There done. Have a look."

I rose from the chair, sitting upright, my wrist stinging and slightly numb. Just when I was about to rub the area, Maya grabbed my other wrist. "Don't touch it or itch it. The skin needs to heal and you doing what I think you were about to isn't going to help."

For a such an agile looking lady, I had to say she had a grip like a wrestler. "What's that for?" My voice cracked, gone hoarse from lack of water.

"A mild dressing for the skin. Take it off after about 2 hours, for the skin to breath." She said, wrapping a clear, cling-wrap sort of plastic around the tattoo.

The tattoo was of the SilverRose Crest, like I had told earlier. It was of a large silver rose, outlined in black with an elegant black feather tucked behind, but still appearing above the rose with a single green petal under.

The bulb of the rose was on my inner forearm but the feather traced itself around my wrist, inches away from my pinky finger. I got it done on my left hand, "accidentally" on the place where I should've gotten the RedBlood Crest. Despite Kaden having his on his right, he had informed me earlier of females receiving theirs on their less dominant hand, like the tradition said. BS? I know.

My heart was racing, not only from the throbbing of the tattoo but also from where the IV bruise was. Unfortunately for me, I had two bandages on the same hand and also only centimetres apart. The pale bandaging of Dr.Rossi along with the bandaging of my new tattoo from Maya, would take a lot of explaining to my brothers, especially all in one day. Sucks to be me, I guess.

"There. Done." She patted lightly, smiling like the Cheshire Cat again. She stood up and so did I, only to fall right back down.

"Ouch." My head spun, my legs limping from sleepiness. She rose a eyebrow before hollering out to Kaden to get his ass in here. Her smooth voice came as a slur to my ears but I guessed it was just me. Muttering to himself or to whoever, he strode in wearing a scowl and a phone pressed to his ear. His eyes fell on me after regarding Maya for about a second.

"Yes it's over and I'm taking her back right now," he murmured, drinking again from his flask. Even his figure was coming out to blurry to recognize, but his voice confirmed it was indeed him.

"Yes, I know. Goodbye Damon." He disconnected during the call angrily. "What is it now?"

"The Alpha's Mate needs help," she hummed gesturing to me with a flick of her head while striding right past him on her way out, disappearing out the door frame. Before hearing another thing, I winced from a sting starting in my head and before I knew it I was effortlessly being lifted into someone's arm and walking out the door frame.

Kaden never paused to pay but just left out the main door, pressing it open with his shoulder.

"You forgot to-"

"Save your breath," he snapped. The guards were no where to be seen as Kaden gently placed me to my feet just outside the car door. He pulled the door open wide and helped me in without saying another word.

He locked the door shut before I could ask him about the payment and just when I was to yell at him to open the door, the same handful of guards returned; some sober and some sweaty feverish looking.

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