20. The Last Farewell...

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"Morning Nora," Angel sung, while pouring a mug of coffee for Ryan.

"Morning Angel, Ryan," I respond brushing my wet hair back and exchanging glances with them both before taking up the chair next to Ryan.

I decided waking up early to shower and wash my hair because it would be beneficial for me, especially after knowing Kaden was going to arrive at 1:30 in the afternoon to pick me up. The current time was 10:00 exact, giving a couple of hours to spare with my genuine family, the family that actually held importance in my life unlike Damon's so called family which was mostly filled with hoes, traitors, and thieves of what he called a Pack. Angels above knew how they became the first leading Pack in North America.

I had just hopped out the shower with my wet hair dripping down behind my back all over my leather jacket and jeans. I decided dressing in a pink loose V-shape neck and leather jacket would be a good note to end on when I leave.

I wore simple diamond studs and black Converses with a touch of simple jewelry like a bracelet and matching metal necklace for my neck and wrist. Luckily because of my wolf healing, I recovered pretty fast from the tattoo because it wasn't stinging or itching anymore.

"Someone looks pretty well rested," Ryan said, sipping his coffee carefully.

A smile crawls up my lips. "I could the same for you, but unfortunately the blistering love bites on Angel's neck tells me a completely different story."

He chokes on his coffee, burning his lip in the process. Angel blushes, and instantly scurries to get Ryan some paper towels to wipe his spill. She gives me the evil eye as she pats Ryan's back and as he cusses.

"What's going on in here?" Xavier exclaimed, entering the kitchen while me and Angel hold our staring expressions. He catches Ryan swearing and averts his eyes looking at me darkly for an explanation.

"Don't look at me," I avert my eyes innocently. "I was asking what's for breakfast."

"Yeah sure you were," Angel frowns. Xavier catches on, late but never and feigns a smile. "Guess I missed one heck of a show."

"Like bloody hell you did." Ryan scowled, his nostrils fuming after eyeing me angrily. I continued to play the innocent act while sipping my glass of lemonade. Xavier sat down on the empty seat, opposite of Ryan.

He had grabbed the newspaper and just when he was about unfold it, I heard the front door unlatch. "Someone's at the door," I state lousily, while propping one elbow on to the counter and unlocking my phone.

"How'd you know someone's at the door?" Xavier demanded, gazing at me sharply. I retreat my elbow back with my phone in my fingers, above my lap. "I heard it open."

"Good morning my lovely-" "Shut up Jordan." Xavier snapped at poor Jordan, who was dressed in a plain grey shirt which exposed his muscular arms unite neatly, with faded jeans and worn out sneakers.

"No one heard it open Nora," Ryan said, and exchanged glances with Xavier.

"What's up?"

"Shut up."

"I just heard the door unlatch and I said it." I repeat sheepishly, ignoring the bickering between Xavier and Jordan.

"Yeah we heard you Nora. But no one else heard it open," Angel explained in a calmer tone than Ryan, while placing the plates of eggs in front of us three.

"Didn't you two hear it with your wolf senses?" I ask, utterly confused.

"We did but that's because of our Alpha hearing Nora. How did you hear it?" Xavier asked while Ryan nodded in agreement.

Pleasing the Heartless Alpha...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon