49. Beneath Every Lie is an Excuse...

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I ran to the bathroom the second Nora shuts the main bedroom door on her way out, dropping the towel -which smelled more of angelic white roses than any of my masculine cologne, and locked the door loudly.

Slow swallow breathes came out as gasps, and that's when the weakness struck at my knees. I sank to the ground within contact of the door, yanking at the hair atop my head with hot anger.


My fist went one after another into the punching bag. Sweat was raining down my shirt making the polyester fabric of the shirt dampen and clinging to my being. I still hadn't changed from the grimy dress shirt, vest and trousers since yesterday at Kaden's despite spending the last several  hours here in the Pack gym.

There was hardly anyone here. More full dressed single unMated males than Mated females in their shanky crop tops and booty shorts. Luckily enough no one paid me any heed in the time I was here. Except maybe a few questioning glances to my attire and the few dozen missed calls and texts but nothing severe.

My knuckled were raw with blood when the thought of last night over toke my mind. Her short frail body pressed with mine making wherever our bare skin met burn with a chain of fire crackers. Those dark locks in which I could just loose my fingers when kissing those alluring plump dark lips only a kissable distance away. The hips of her nakedly body wrapped around my lower half, my mouth at the arch of her neck leaving a trail of sloppy kisses down to where her heart laid awaiting.

Nora tucked into the safety of my arms, arms enfolded around one another with affection and not an ounce of hatred in that moment for me, no bitter words, no more avoiding.  Whether it was all the alcohol she had consumed weakening her guard or she did intent to truly confess, I couldn't ignore those words she said.

I swore. Maybe going there on Dylan's persist was a bad idea.

She confided her feelings with me even though she didnt know herself that's what she felt. 

She knew about our torment Damon, Dylan sighed after a while. Stop acting the way you are to her now, you've purposely broken her too many times. How many more times would you like to carry her up in your arms before pushing her down that cliff of disappointment again and into that sea of anguish before satisfying that ego of yours?

She cant weaken us. Dad lost everything to that wretched women and how did she repay him? I seize the punching bag mid sway with my claws already tearing the fabric. Dad had rendered himself to mom and what did she do? Killed him and herself in the end when she couldn't handle no more -like the weakling she was.

Aria was hurting as much as Nora is right now, Dylan said passively, I know we avoid talking about this as much as we can but everything has a damn limit to it DAMON! Rocco loved Aria but his Alpha madness drove him insane to the point he harmed your mother. Your mother was broken, molested by your dad and you're taking your anger of something he did and what your mother did in return onto Nora, an innocent life but youve forgotten the truth in it. He might have loved her at one point but Aria died unloved. She died between this war your father inflicted and now somehow, Nora remains woven amongst this all, forgotten and baring the pain of something your father did. Damon, you're giving her the exact amount of pain your dad gave your mom. You're no less than he was to Aria. Just stop this madness Damon. Its over.

Oh no, it isn't. Not until I say so.

It is, Dylan said assertively, pushing his way through.Your feelings for Nora havent wavered once and you know it. During the dance back at Kaden's, your heart fluttered upon seeing her. What you feel for her is true. Have as much sex you want others, party yourself mad, you'll always end up with her in the end. Shes the one who doesn't hate you after all youve done.

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