Chapter 2

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"Calm down, Zaynah... You're gonna make it" I calmed myself. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was feeling a weird movement in my stomach. Today my result is going to be announced and you can feel me right??

My finger shivered as I clicked the site. These two seconds were like two years for me. As my eyes landed on the screen, my heart skipped a beat. I cleared the exam. Gosh, I can't believe it... I can't believe it... Alhamdulillah, I instantly thanked Allah. I don't know how everyone is gonna react. Today I am beyond happy but I have no one to share my happiness with. Lord, I don't even have any friends.

You may find it weird but I never got any friends. I didn't t know what Safiya told the whole school about me cuz people used to hate me in the school. So basically, I am alone in my world. Also, I am an anti-social nerd. I was too busy with my studies to talk with anyone. I am no fun so why would anyone wanted to befriend a stupid nerd like me.
"Zaynah...." I snapped from my thoughts and looked at Maaz who was standing at the door.

"Dad is calling you" he replied and moved his steps towards downstairs.

I sighed and fixed the dupatta (a length of material worn arranged in two folds over the chest and thrown back around the shoulders, by women from South Asia) over my head and walked downstairs.

Dad, Asiya, Safiya everyone was sitting in the lounge. Why did they call me? I swallowed my saliva and calmed my breath.

"Asslamalaikum everyone" I scrutinized their face and sat on a spare chair.

My dad sighed and observed my face, I became uncomfortable under his gaze.
"So you have passed your school, where are you gonna take admission now?"  Finally, he spoke.

" Umm... I applied for the KVPY exam cuz I wanted to do graduation from IISC" Damn, I hate my voice. Why it came like I am gonna cry.

" So, do you have any other option? I mean you know I can't afford that much also it's impossible to get admission in IISC... and"

" Dad...I cleared KVPY with the best rank" I cut him off immediately, now everyone was looking at me. There was disbelief written on their face.

"Are you kidding me? I mean it's... impossible.." he stood up from the couch and looked at me like I had grown some ears on my head.

"Dad, I got 96% in 12th. There's no need to freak out like this" this time my voice showed a bit of annoyance.

" got 96% ?? But Asiya.." he turned to face Asiya.
"You told me, Zaynah's academic performance is worst and she doesn't wanna study further. And you gave me the idea of her marriage"

Wth... What was going on in that witch's mind?

"Actually dad, Mrs. Asiya wasn't talking about me, she was talking about her daughter... I mean your beloved daughter. She got a D grade in her 10th" I didn't know how I got that confidence. Were they literally planning my marriage? Seriously???

" Watch your mouth you bitch" Asiya roared and if looks could kill anyone then I'd be dead now.

"Language, Asiya" Dad cut her off and fixed his attention on me.
" You never told me anything, I mean.."

"You never cared dad" my voice was low and I could see a hint of regret in his eyes.
" So I'm eligible to take admission in IISC. And don't worry I'll manage my studies as I'm getting a good scholarship and also I'm ready to do any part-time job" I almost announced my decision to them.

" Woah, look at that girl, just cuz you cleared a stupid test you're talking with us in this attitude. Don't forget you're still dependent on us and we are the ones who brought you up. You're an ungrateful bitch like your mother" she said venomously.

" First of all, this wasn't some stupid test. Not even your entire family can clear this exam. And the second thing you haven't done me any favor, you guys are relying on my mother's money. So y'all are ungrateful not me" I knew I shouldn't say these things but It was enough. She was always talking shit about my mother.

Okay, I hate my real mother but I knew this house was her property and she left a big amount in my bank account. Also, I didn't know the real story of my mother so how could I hear these shits about her?

"Zaynaaaaah..stfu" my dad screamed and shot me death glares. His face had clear disgusted expressions for me.

" Y'all have done enough shit to me. Now I ain't gonna shut up. And you know what dad I hate you, more than I hate that woman" I pointed at Asiya.

" See I told you she always talks like this," Asiya brought fake tears in her eyes and started crying like some star plus actress.

"There's no need for more drama. I'm already done with y'all. Also, I ain't gonna tell Dad what you had done with me, how you treated me cuz I highly doubt he will care or believe me. Also, I can manage my studies. I'll join my college in a few weeks. So please let me live in peace. Don't worry I ain't gonna ask for any share in my property." I took a deep breath, I was feeling so good after speaking the first time like this.

"Zaynah, I never thought you would talk like this... you're just like your mother" my father has disappointment in his voice.

" Really? But you always thought I'm like my mother that's why you never even looked at me nor ever considered me your daughter, so what's so shocking if I'm behaving like my mother" my voice cracked up. I tried to control my tears and ran to my room.

It was enough...I needed to do this. I am no more that four-year-old Zaynah who was crying for food cuz she didn't eat for two days where her family was attending weddings, I am no more that seven-year-old Zaynah which they used to beat up and then threw in the basement, I am no more that Zaynah who was doing all household chores like a maid still never complained about it, I am no more that Zaynah who was too helpless to raise her voice, I am no more that Zaynah who used to crave for her father's attention and love, who used to cry for her mother. I am grown up now, I am gonna be eighteen after a few months. Now I least care about them. I just want to be the successful woman of my dream.  I don't need anyone, not a single person. I wiped off my tears and unlocked my phone. I started searching hostels, "New Girl's hostel" that hostel caught my attention but I knew I can't afford its expenses. I really need a part-time job.
Gawd! I don't know how I'm gonna manage all these things. Ya Allah help me

This was another short chapter ( also the boring one) but hold on I'm gonna write longer chapters in the future. Support me by touching the star icon below.
Please let me know about my mistakes.
~ Asma


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