Chapter 11

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"Hamza, pay attention, what are you thinking?" I rolled my eyes and shouted at him. He passed me a weak smile and his eyes held a lot of untold emotions. I didn't know why but it made my heart twitch a little.

"Are you okay Hamza,?" I put my hands on his shoulder and fixed my gaze on him.

" Yeah, " he faked a smile and softly removed my hand from his shoulder.

He sat like a statue for a few minutes then rushed to the washroom.

"He's missing mom and dad," Hammad said sighing.

" Don't you miss them too? "

" Of course I miss them but you know Hamza is more attached to mom. And mom's health has gone worse," his voice became low and his eyes were shining from some visible tears.

"What happen to your mom?" I asked looking directly into his eyes.

"She... She's...."

"Nevermind" he was cut off by someone, I whipped around my head to see one and only rude person, Wajahat Shah.

"I guess you're here to teach them then why are you taking interest in our personal lives, why can't you just mind your own business? " His tone became harsh, he moved a step closer to me then eyed me from head to toe.

"I was just asking...."

"But why? Just a reminder you're nothing just their tutor and we are tolerating you in our house cuz you're a friend of that stupid Zara, so act formal and keep your nose away from our family's matter," he said in a menacing tone and lashed out.

Tears automatically started rolling down my cheeks. His words pierced my soul, no one had ever humiliated me in that way.

"Why is she crying," Hamza walked out from the washroom.

" Wajahat Bhai said a lot of mean things to her, it was really rude," Hammad lowered his head and whispered.

Hamza came near to me and looked at me, "ummm... I'm sorry on his behalf, just don't cry," I was shocked by his words. Wasn't he the same Hamza who used to roll his eyes at me for no reason?

Hamza's POV

When she asked me about mom, I couldn't hold my tears and ran to the washroom. I really missed her, it's been two years, I didn't see her. I missed her soft voice, beautiful smile, and everything about her. I was very attached to her. I didn't wanna cry in front of Miss Zaynah so I ran to the washroom. After washing my face as I stepped inside, my eyes grew wider. Her eyes and nose were red from crying. I don't know what type of emotion was this but it was hurting me.  I came closer to her and looked at her, then my gaze finally stopped. Her eyes...

"Why is she crying?" I asked Hammad.

"Wajahat Bhai said a lot of mean things to her, it was really rude," Hammad answered and I sighed. I knew how much Wajahat Bhai loves my mom. He just overreacted.

When I apologized to her she looked at me with a shock like she wasn't expecting this gesture from me.

"Look you're not a baby, don't cry please," I pressed my lips and sighed. I had no idea how to console someone.

"I'm just seventeen," she rubbed his eyes and hugged me. It was really unexpected, there was something that I couldn't keep myself from hugging her back.

"Your Wajahat Bhai is a jerk," she parted from me and I missed that warmth.

"Yeah, maybe... but...just take care," I scratched my head.

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