Chapter 27

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Zaynah's POV

"Sorry Zara, I can't come, I just don't feel like going out" Zara was insisting me coming with her to an exhibition and I was least interested.

"I'm not listening to anything, you have to come with me, " She pouted like a baby and I put a small glance at Wajahat who was busy with his phone and paying the least attention to us.


"Pleaseeeee, pleaseeee," She started whining like a baby.

"Zaaaraaa," before I could say anything, my phone rang.

"Who is this" she raised her eyebrows.

"Ummm... Azlan," I replied shyly.

"Ooooohh" she teased me, "Pick the call and put it on the speaker," she said with a mischievous smile.

" Nooo wayy," I sent her a fake glare.

"OMG your cheeks are looking like a tomato," she giggled.

" Shut up," I slapped her hand and answered his calls.

" Asslamalaikum," his beautiful voice brought a small smile to my face.

" Walekumassslam, how are you doing?" I calmed my breath but my voice still came out like I was running in a marathon race.

"Actually I wanna ask you something," before I could reply, Zara, snatched the phone from my hand and put it on speaker.

I shot her a death glare but it was the only thing I could do. I was also embarrassed cuz Wajahat was sitting beside us and he could hear everything.

"Yeah, go ahead," I let out a deep breath but my heart was still pounding.

"Are you free today?"

"Umm, yeah..." I ignored Zara's looks and replied.

"Umm, there's an exhibition, Would you like to come with us?" He asked in his usual nervous voice and I didn't know why my heart fluttered a little.

"Yeah, I would love to" I smiled without caring about Zara who was giving me dirty looks. If looks could anyone, I'd be dead right now.

"I'll pick you at five, be ready," he said and hung up the call.

" I would love to..." Zara mocked me and started hitting my arms.

"Stop, stop...I had no choice," I pushed her away.

" No, you're ditching me, me?? Your best friend for him? Noice, they were right, love is not only blind, but it also makes people selfish, mean, and bitch," she pouted and I pulled her in a hug.

" I can't ditch you dumbass, you're going to join us," I pulled her cheeks playfully.

" You kidding me?"

"No, I'm not going anywhere without you," I smiled.

"He's asking for a date and you wanna drag me along with you guys, Do I look that dumb Zaynah?" she rolled her eyes.

" First of all it's not a date and the second thing it's not only two of us, his best friend Mishal is also joining us," I sighed.

" Best friend??? But why and how could you say this?" She stared at me with confusion in her eyes.

" Didn't you notice " us" in his sentence, it was so obvious. Also, his friend is very possessive, she's not gonna send him alone with me," I grinned reluctantly.

"Wtf, she's a friend, not his mother," Zaynah wrinkled her nose.

" I don't care tbh, leave it and let's plan the outfits for the evening," I tried to change the topic.

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