Chapter 4

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Third person POV

She walked out of the building to her car fuming.

"He had the nerve to threaten me huh?" She gritted her teeth and drove off.

Dalia stopped at her favourite cafe to release steam. "One coffee latte please," she ordered and the waiter served her.

Her phone rang, the caller ID showing bestie.

"Hello Lia."

"How's my girl doing? how's was the interview, did you get to see the hot god?" Thalia giggled. She was currently crushing on him.

"I am so not okay, the CEO of the company is Mateo fucking Silvetti, that son of a leperous donkey," she scoffed and Thalia giggled.
"The Mateo?" Thalia asked.

"Yes!," She said sourly and took a croissant from her packed lunch munching on it.

"Wow, that's a bummer, but he is sexy, isn't he?" Thalia asked giggling again, hot guys were her weakness.

"Goodness Lia, I thought you were my friend," Dalia said as she munched on another croissant before sipping her latte. "I gotta go, see you at home."

She hung up and continued eating while looking up on the Silvetti holdings corporations, not finding much on the internet.

It's like they hid themselves from the internet.

After eating, she drove home. On getting home, she packed her car and climbed up the stairs to her apartment block that on the third floor. She unlocked her door and stepped into the house.

"Finally! Feels good to be home," she inhaled the refreshing scent of home and walked into her room getting ready to bath. After bathing, she wore a black baggy shirt and shorts and was searching for some chips when a knock came from the door.

"I'm coming, hold on", Dalia took a bag of chips and strode to the door. Opening the door, she saw a mail man.

"Are you Miss Banks?" The mail man asked.
"Yes I am, how can I help you?" Dalia replied airily and looked at the mail in his hand.
"There is a mail for you, just sign here," the mail man handed a pen to her, she signed and collected mail from him.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure ma'am."

After mail man left and she locked the door behind her, Dalia was curious to know what was in the envelope. In the envelope was a big red EVICTION NOTICE written on the paper.

"WTF, eviction notice!!!" She exclaimed and began pacing about in the living room.
I have no job and Lia is already doing so much, I can't let her know about this, I will take care of it.

She exhaled and hid the envelope in her room.

Later in the evening, Thalia came home.
"Hmmm, what's that scent Dee?" Thalia asked and walked to the kitchen to meet Dalia wearing an apron and cooking something.

"Figured I could do the cooking and today."

"But it's not your week yet, why do the cooking today?" Lia walked to the fridge and took an apple.

"First, I figured you be tired.."

"Awww, that's sweet of you."

"And second, to get my mind off what happened today," Dalia sighed and continued stirring.

"What're you cooking?"


"I bet it will be delicious, I'm already dreaming of it," she said in a dreamy tone and walked to her room to freshen up.

Dalia laughed. "You the time you're done, you'll have your plate on the table."

By the time Lia was done, the table was set and they started eating.

"This is delicious." Lia complimented the food while wolfing it down.

"Careful or you will choke."

"Sorry but It's just too good." Lia swallowed. "After this, we will discuss subject x."

"What's subject x? Don't tell me you are still experimenting on rat you found in your cupboard!" Dalia exclaimed with wide eyes.

"No, not Nick, Mat...."

"You named the freaking rat and don't mention that dry ass guy," Dalia interrupted and glared at Lia.

"What? It's not like I know what to call him, what should we call him?"

Dali thinks and snapped her fingers, "I know, Dry ass," she smirked.

"Dry ass seriously?" Lia rose a brow at her friend. "Have you seen his ass before?"

"What? Ewww no, gross, that's so gross?" Dalia scrunched up her nose, making a puking face.

"What's bad about his ass girl? I bet he has one hell of a sexy ass"

"Can we stop stop talking about his ass?"

"Not until you gist me what happened at the interview, lady," Lia defiantly said.

"Do I have a choice?"


"Ok, here goes nothing." She exhaled.


  Woah, that was long, wasn't it?, Let's hope Mateo doesn't carry out his threat, see you in the  next chapter.

Peace ✌️✌️

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