Chapter 32

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A month later

The room was dark and silent as Dahlia slowly opened her eyes. She felt groggy and disoriented, her thoughts muddled and her body sour. Her head ached, and her vision blurry.

Had I been in an accident?

She couldn't remember anything after waking up. She tried to sit up but her body felt weak and heavy. Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of her surroundings.

Where am I?

And what had happened to me?

She heard a soft beeping sound in the distance followed by the rustle of footsteps towards her bed. A figure appeared above her, it's features still fuzzy and indistinct. A gentle voice spoke to her.

"Hello there, how are you feeling?" The voice sounded concerned but she still couldn't place who it was. She tried to speak, but her mouth was dry and her throat was scratchy.

She could only manage to croak out a few words. "I....I...I don't remember."

The mysterious figure responded, "that's understandable, you've been quite an ordeal. My name is Dr Brett and I am a surgeon here at the house, you were involved in an accident and sustained some serious injuries but don't worry, you are going to be alright," The doctor's reassuring words were a comfort to her.

A flood of questions swirled through her mind, but she struggled to find words. She tried again, "Accident? How?"

Dr Brett continued, "You were involved in a hit and run accident, your friend Ms Taylors called 911, and you were brought to the hospital. Your injuries were severe but we were able to stabilize you, you have been in coma for several weeks but I am happy you are awake. Your and your husband have been here everyday and they are going to be happy to see you."

The mention of husband brother a wave of shock to her. "Husband?" She questioned and Dr Brett nodded, "Of course, he is the famous CEO of Silvetti corporation, you are so lucky, he made sure you were comfortable and there was 24hours standby nurses at your VIP ward," he said leaving.

"But..." At that moment, Lacy and Matteo appeared at her bedside. "Oh my gosh, you're awake!" she exclaimed, a look of joy and relief on her face while Matteo had a cold but relief and happy look on his handsome face.

"I've been so worried about you. How are you feeling?" Lacy's warm and familiar presence was a bit of a relief to her.

"I'm okay," Dahlia managed to say, her voice still weak but a little firm. "I'm just a little weak and disoriented, the doctor told me I was involved in a hit and run accident but he didn't give details, so I am confused."

"Don't you remember?" A look of alarm flashed across Matteo's eyes.

"I'm sorry I don't remember....but who are you?" Dahlia asked peering at Matteo curiously.

Matteo looked taken aback.
"What do you mean? don't know me?" he asked, a hint of alarm mixed with fear flashed in his eyes while his face remained stoic.

She gave him a weary look, "I'm sorry, I don't remember you or anything from before the accident."

"That can't be, he said you were fine," Matteo panicked but quickly covered it with a cold expression and he walked out of the room, heading to the doctor's office.

After Matteo left, Dahlia turned to Lacy and couldn't help but burst out laughing. "You should have seen the look on his face!" she said, giggling and Lacy gave her a look of surprise and disbelief.

"You were faking it!?" She covered her mouth in surprise before burst out laughing, "you had him totally fooled."

Dahlia looked down at her bandaged body and sighed helplessly, "how long was I out?"

"A month," she held her hand, "your bestie Thalia and Jason came every day to accompany you."

"Could you help me inform them that I have woken up, I want to see them."

Lacy nodded and called them, after speaking on the phone with them, she dropped it and gave her a smile. "They are on their way now."

She held her hand, "it is my fault you are in this position, please can you forgive me?"
"What are you saying? It's not your fault."

"Please just tell me you forgive me," she still insisted and Dahlia assured her that she had forgiven her.

"Thank you Dee," she said softly and walked out of the ward.


Matteo stormed into the doctor's office, his expression as cold as ice. "What's going on?" he demanded, his voice calm and dangerous. "Why is she still not remembering anything? I thought you said she'd be fine."

Dr. Brett looked up from his desk, trying to remain calm and not show how nervous he was. "Sir, please sit down," he said gesturing to the chair across from his desk. He could not afford to offend such a wealthy figure. Matteo coldly sat down with an indifferent look, waiting for the doctor to speak.

"I know you're upset, but please listen to me. We've run every test we can think of, and there's nothing to indicate that she's suffering from amnesia. I think there's something else going on here."

Matteo's brow furrows in confusion. "What do you mean? What could it be?"

Dr. Brett toke a deep breath before continuing. "I'm not sure, but I think we need to consider the possibility that she's repressing her memories for a reason. Maybe there's something she doesn't want to remember, something that's too painful for her to face. Have you noticed anything unusual about her behavior since the accident?"

He thinks for a moment, his mind racing. "No," he blankly answered.

He nods. "Then we can ask her personally."

"Not now, let's give her time to rest, she'd just woken up," he coldly said and stood up to shake the doctor, as Dr. Smith's hand connected with Matteo, he winced.

Matteo deliberately took the doctor's hand in a iron grip almost crushing his hand in the process while he smiled coldly at him.

"If I find out that you made a mistake, I'll erase you from this country," Matteo said dangerously and left the office, Dr. Brett paled and collapsed on the chair in fear.


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