Chapter 29

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They stood by the bed mourning when her body began to stir. The machines monitoring her vitals started beeping rapidly, and the doctor and nurses rushed into the room.

"What's happening?" Lacy asked, her voice full of hope. "Her vitals are improving!" the doctor exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise. Thalia and Matteo looked at each other in disbelief.

"Does this mean she's going to be okay?" Jason who hadn't spoken since he entered the room asked. The doctor's face was filled with uncertainty. "We can't be sure yet, but it's a good sign, you guys should give us space," the doctor said and they left the room.

As the surgeons were performing the delicate procedure on her, her vital signs started to fluctuate. "Her blood pressure is dropping!" one of the surgeons exclaimed. The others looked up in alarm, and they began working frantically to stabilize her.

"Something's wrong," one of the nurses said, a worried look on her face. The surgeons were doing everything they could to save her, but her condition continued to deteriorate.

Suddenly, the heart monitor began to beep erratically, and Dahlia's body started shaking. In a panic, the medical team rushed to revive her but she was unresponsive. They continued to work on her, but her vitals continued to plummet. "We're losing her!" one of the doctors shouted. Dahlia's body was limp and lifeless, and the team began to lose hope.

"I think we need to call it," one of the doctors said, his voice breaking. But as he said this, the heart monitor let out a steady beep but she remained unconscious, the doctors and nurses looked in awe.

One of the doctors rushed to checked her, "she missed death by a hair's breath and went into coma." The doctors and nurses sighed in relief.

"And we escaped with our jobs today," one of the doctors wiped his brows with an handkerchief.

"What do you mean?" The second doctor asked as all of them stared at the other doctor curious.

"Don't you know who the husband to this patient is? He is among one of the most wealthy, influential and ruthless families in the country, the CEO of Silvetti corporations."

All the doctors and nurses froze.


The ward opened and Dahlia was wheeled out of the operating room on a stretcher and taken to the intensive care unit. The medical team continued to monitor her closely, as they were still unsure about her condition.

Thalia and the rest waited anxiously in the waiting room, their hearts pounding with worry. As soon as she was settled in the ICU, they surrounded the doctor, eager for an update on her condition.

"How is she doing?" Thalia asked, her voice shaky with worry.

"She's stable," the doctor replied, "but we're still monitoring her closely, they all let out a collective sigh of relief, glad to hear that she was going to be okay.

"Mr. Silvetti, can you please come with me to my office so we can discuss your wife's condition in private?" the doctor said, leading the way down the hall. Once they were in the office, the doctor sat down and gestured at him to do the same.

"I have some information about  your wife's condition that I think you should know," the doctor began, his face grave.

"What is it?" Matteo asked, his heart pounding in his chest. The doctor took a deep breath and began to explain...

"As you know, your wife is in a coma," the doctor said. "However, the scans we've done have shown that she's showing some brain activity. This is a positive sign, and it means that there's still hope that she could wake up."

Matteo felt a wave of relief wash over him, but he still had questions. "What are the chances that she'll wake up?" he asked, his voice quivering.

The doctor hesitated, clearly not wanting to give false hope. "The truth is, we don't know for sure. It's a very difficult situation, and we're doing everything we can," The doctor cleared his throat and continued. "There's still a lot we don't know about your wife's condition, but we're doing everything we can to help her. We're monitoring her closely and adjusting her treatment as needed. Please know that we're doing everything we can for her."

He nodded, trying to process everything the doctor had said. He had so many questions, but one stood out above the rest. "Can I see her?" he asked.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, you can see her. However, I need to warn you that she's still unconscious, and she might not look like herself. She's hooked up to a lot of machines, and she's not able to communicate with us right now. I know this is difficult, but I wanted to prepare you for what you might see when you go in there."

Matteo took a deep breath and nodded. "I understand. I just want to be with her, even if she can't respond to me." The doctor smiled. "That's very understandable. I'll take you to her room now."



Jason called Marilyn after excusing himself.

"If you don't have any news, I suggest you hang up," Marilyn's voice came through and Jason clenched his fists trying to suppress his anger.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing Marilyn? you told me that you were not going to harm her but she is lying in the hospital ward almost dead," Jason growled in rage.

"Easy there lover boy, I did what I had to do besides, if the obstacle refuses to leave the way, one must use whatever means necessary including elimination," she replied deviously.

"You know I could send you to jail for attempted murder? Worse if Matteo hears of it, he will make you pay," Jason sneered and she chuckled darkly.

"Do you really think you can send me to jail? If they were to conduct any investigation, your name, bank account and number would come up, afterall you called and payed the driver for a job well done," Marilyn said, swirling the red wine in the wine glass.

"What? I did no such thing.."

"Tsk tsk, poor Jason, if I go down, you go down with me and besides what will happen if your sister and Dahlia finds out about your involvement in the accident, can't wait to see the expression on their faces," she clicked her tongue and continued "and if you ever think of crossing me...poor Thalia will be the one lying on the hospital bed."

Jason was immediately drenched in cold sweat as he hung up.

"Fuck!" Was all he could manage to yell.


Someone is in dipshit for making a deal with a vengeful 😈 😈😈

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