Chapter 23

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Dahlia led Ivan to the dance floor just to spite Matteo, she didn't really know why he was always acting all possessive on her.

"A penny for your thoughts," Ivan said smilingly.

"Nope, I don't share my thoughts," she followed his dance steps as the music played slowly.

"I kinda know what you're thinking and it's about Matteo, isn't it?" He smirked and she blushed.

"Yeah kind of. I don't know why he's acting so possessive around me, I mean we are not in a relationship, if he likes me well I don't like him," she said knowing it was a lie. Any time he's around her, she always feel giddy or nervous. He was really having an effect on her.

"He isn't acting Dahlia, he is really possessive about you, I mean, have you seen the way he looks at you? I'd say he is passing a message to every male in this party to keep their hands off you," he chuckled making her blush badly.

"What makes you an exception?"

"I am not an exception because right now he is just across the hall glaring badly at me, so this ends our dance," Ivan laughed and twirled her before bowing in a gentlemanly way and walking her to where the gloomy man stood.

Matteo glowered at him before snatching her hand from him.

"Dahlia is a really good dancer. I'd love to dance with her when we meet again," Ivan said provoking him while she stifled the laughter threatening to spill out.

"There will be no next time Mr Oliver," Matteo growled at him before leaving, taking Dahlia with him.

"Matteo darling!!" A shrill voice called out and it turned out to be Marilyn, she drew him into a hug and Dahlia felt heart broken at the sight.

"What are you doi-"

She connected her lips to his, kissing him frantically. Dahlia  looked away feeling hurt.

What is your problem, get yourself together!

She chastised herself, "I'll be at the bar if you need me." It took alot of willpower to get it out and she walked away.

Dahlia went to the bar and ordered a glass of martini, she gulped it down before turning to look for him. she searched everywhere with my eyes for him.

"He's at the left hidden corner of the room," A voice came from behind startling her instantly.

"Oh Lucas! I didn't see you there, how are you?" She rubbed her palms together.

"I'm doing great and you?"

"As fine as always," she forced herself to smile. Lucas looked at her and saw the pain in her eyes as she glanced at the corner he pointed.

"Matteo is not like that, when he truly loves someone, he doesn't let go," Lucas said and she turned to face him.

"Why are you telling me these things?" She twirled the Martini and drank it in a single gulp.

"I know you like him Dahlia," Lucas sipped his drink slowly.

"You are mistaken Mr Moretti, Mr Silvetti is my boss," she gulped down another drink.

"Whatever you say." He said and walked away leaving her to herself.

After getting rid of Marilyn, he went back into the party searching for her. He checked the dance floor, bar, lounge but still no sight of her as he walked down the hallway, he heard sounds coming out from behind a door.

He stormed into the room and saw her sitting on the laps of another man kissing him. Matteo's eyes turned red and veins popped out of his muscled arms as he rushed into the room dragging her away from the man's laps. The man jolted up immediately and Matteo pounced on him, raining blows on the man. Dahlia grabbed his hand preventing him from sending the semi conscious man to the afterlife.

"Stop it Matteo, you'll kill him," Dahlia held him but it only intensified his anger and jealousy, he grabbed her wrist tightly dragging her away from the room.

"Matteo you're hurting me, let go," she cried but his senses were already blocked with jealousy and anger, he tightened his grip.

Dahlia winced as he slammed her back to the wall and he leaned into her face, his hot breath fanning her face. He punched the wall beside her head and she gasped in shock.

Suddenly he started laughing, not like the happy laugh but a rather angry, frustrated laugh.

"Good job Miss Banks, good job, you are such a good actress, acting all cozy with me and on the other hand, whoring around with any man you see," he spat in anger.

"W-what do you mean?" Her lips quivered as she looked at him with pain.

"Don't fucking act ignorant!!" He yelled almost pressing her to the wall with his body.

"I really don't know what you are talking about," her voice broke. Dahlia had never seen him so angry like this, she felt a little scared.

He stared into her eyes and saw no sense of remorse and felt disgusted.

"You know what? you disgust me, you act like you ever cared about me whereas you were just a whore and a gold digg..."


She slapped him and slapped him hard. Dahlia's heart was broken, how could he think her a whore and a gold digger." Drops of tears firmly rolled down her eyes as she stared at him in hurt.

"First you blame me for what happened then you didn't bother to let me explain and now you drag me down here and insult me?" her voice cracked as she spoke.

"Is that all you ever thought of me? A whore? A gold digger?" She chocked in the last word, Matteo stared at her, anger and remorse fought in his eyes.

"When have I ever spent your money? I never asked for your care, hell, I never asked for this job and I never cared about you so don't talk as if I am bound to you, I am a grown woman and fit to do what I want to do, if I decide to be with anyone, it is none of your god-damned business," Dahlia said in anger and wiped her tears.

An inexplicable pain flashed in his eyes but disappeared almost immediately and replaced with anger.

"Yeah, it's none of my business maybe it's because I was never able to get into your panties," he voiced out in a fit of anger and Dahlia paled.

"You don't mean that, take that back," she whispered in shock and he stepped back.

"I mean it, maybe if I'd..."

"Shut up!!" She screamed at him as she covered her ears, she couldn't believe this was the man she thought she had fallen in love with. Did he plan to use and just dump her?

Dahlia slumped to the floor, heart broken. His words and crushed her. Matteo stomped away.

The sound of heels clicking on the tiles was heard and a red high heels came into her view. Marilyn grabbed the lady sitting on floor by her hair and pulled her up.

"Stay away from Matteo, he doesn't like whores like you," she said.

Dahlia winced in pain but covered it with a smile, "whores like you, you mean?"

Marilyn gritted her teeth and slapped her twice. "Consider that a warning," she spat and pushed Dahlia back to the ground before sauntering away.

"Oh, and by the way, I think the guy really did a good job," she said and walked away. Dahlia started at the receding figure in astonishment, three words singing in her head.

She planned it.


Matteo is being unreasonable, I hate him on this part.

I know it has been like forever since I updated my novel, just had alot of things going on like school etc but I'll try to update when I get the chance.

Please, vote and comment on your fav character.👍👍

Peace ✌️✌️

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