Chapter 9

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  Dedicated to all my readers and voters.

Thalia's POV


My phone was ringing, I looked at the caller before answering.

"Hey Dee, how's work? you didn't execute any of the revenge you planned, did you?" I asked, twirling the bourbon I had in my hand. Loud music booming out from the huge speakers.

"No, but I'm planning to. Where the hell are you?"

"I'm at a club, my boy friend just dumped me," I wiped my eyes, trying not to sound tearful.

"Oh my God! That scum dumped you? I knew that boneless rat was not for you. Oh Lia, tell me where you are I'm coming to get you," she sounded worried.

"Don't worry I'm fine, I won't drink too much and won't definitely have a one night stand," I assured her. She was silent for a while but I could here her breathing.

"Ok, if that's what you want but keep in touch with me and expect me in the next one hour, no buts," she said with an air of finality and hanged up.

I sighed, rubbing my forehead and signalled the barman.

"Another glass of bourbon please."

"Make that two," a guy said and winked at me, I rolled my eyes and waited for my drink.

"What's a gorgeous lady doing in a bar sitting all alone?" He asked and leaned in close enough for me to perceive a strong smell of alcohol. I took my drink from the barman, gulped it down and stood up.

"Where ya goin' gal, I'm talkin to you," he stood up and grabbed my arm. I hissed and tried to shake him off but his grip tighten and he ran his eyes down my body lustily, I cringed and glared at him.

"Let me go, you piece of crap," I tried to yank my hand away but he smirked and leaned into my ears.

"How can I let a beautiful gal all on her own," he said leering at me, I was disgusted.

"FYI, my boyfriend is here with me and he'll beat the crap out of you, so let me go," I yelled at him. Just then, two attractive guys walked passed me and I grabbed one of them by his arm, he turned to me in surprise.

This is the most insane thing I have ever done.

"Babe, this man is pestering me, tell him to leave me alone," I signalled him to play along. Luckily he understood, he turned to the guy holding me and glared at him.

"Let go of my girlfriend arm before I cut it off," he said in an Italian accent which made him more intimidating.

That's was way overboard....his accent is to die for.

"Are you sure you are her boyfriend?" The pervert asked, trying to look intimidating too but was failing woefully. The gorgeous Italian guy stepped closer to him and boyyy was he tall.

The pervert tried look more intimidating but his gaze faltered while the Italian hottie's gaze hardened, he immediately release my hand and walked away muttering curses beneath his breath.

Phew! Finally got rid of him.

"Thank you, you just saved my life," I thanked him and turned to walk away but he held my wrist. I stopped and wheeled around to face him.

Oh God, not another pervert.

"I think you owe me," he grinned. I gazed at him and reached in to my purse, taking out twenty bucks, I gave it to him, he looked surprised.

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