Chapter 21

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"Hey! Why are we at your house?" Dalia asked as he drove into a very beautiful Villa, she thought he was going to drop her at her house.

He ignored her and parked the car in the garage which contained different varieties of cars like the Lamborghini Sesto elements, Ferrari laFerrari, Ferrari fxx, Chevrolet Camaro, Bugatti Veyron, etc.

"Wow!!" Her jaws dropped.

"Time to get down now," he nudged her and she came back to reality.

"Why are we at your house instead mine?"

"To keep an eye on you," he nonchalantly said. she exhaled and rubbed her head in a circular motion.

"I am a grown woman who can take care of herself so please take me back," she clasped her hands together and gave him the googoo eyes.

"No," he said sternly and her stomach dropped. He strode into the villa with her hot on his heels.

"Please Matteo, take me home," she begged him but it fell on deaf ears. Dalia got angry and decided to do it the hard way.

"Oh, since you don't want to take me to my house, prepare to be frustrated, I'll make sure to frustrate you into taking me back to my house."

She screamed but all her words fell into deaf ears as the tall man walked away.


She pushed a Japanese porcelain vase to the ground and it crashed sending sharp waves to him, he turned around sharply to see his precious vase laying shattered on the floor and the culprit with a mischievous smirk.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD DID YOU JUST DO!!!" He rushed to the vase laying on the floor and She giggled.

"Oh sorry, it was a mistake," she meekly said with mockery, he gave her a death glare

"Oh it was no mistake, how do you plan on paying for it?"he grinned darkly as he approached her. She attempted to flee but he caught her wrapping his strong arms around her waist and pulled her with him.

"Let me go you pile of dirt," she struggled fiercely and slipped and fell on top him, completely laying on his body. The two of them let out a groan and she made to get up.

"F**k! Mind where you place your hands woman!" he groaned in pain clutching his jewels painfully.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I didn't know where I placed my hand..." she sounded politely and apologetical "unless i would have applied force and completely crush it to dust," she completed brazenly.

Matteo shivered.

Gosh, this woman is crazy and scary, imagine wanting to attempt murder.

"Now will you take me back to my house?"

"No! Don't think I give up so easily, I am a tough to crack."

"Oh," she chuckled evilly "we'll see about that, we'll SEE about that," she walked away swaying her hips and leaving him to imagine the horrors to come.

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Dalia's POV:

I walked around the Villa exploring everywhere. It had glass planed walls which was one way (completely extraordinary!!), An infinity pool with lovely white deck chairs, a golf course, a lovely lounge and bar, a freaking garage with a turntable which had a one of a kind car spinning slowly as if on display.

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