Chapter 28

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Lacy's POV

I left Dee to make a call and few seconds later, she is lying on the floor covered in the pool of her blood, fear took over my mind and I screamed in panic. My scream attracted few attention and someone called 911.

"Miss are you alright?" The lady among the emergency team asked me.

"What did I do? I didn't know it was going to happen, I shouldn't have made that call, I shouldn't have left her alone, I...I..I killed her!" I screamed and grabbed my hair gasping for air and the lady put me in the ambulance carrying Dahlia's lifeless body.

"Miss calm down, take a deep breath, in, out, in, out," the lady said taking a deep breath and I followed suit, soon I calmed down.

"Here is my phone, call my boss," I pushed my phone towards her crying.

"He can help, please just call him," I was starting to panic and the lady called the number.

"Miss Taylor explain why you're calling me at this time of the night?"

"This is not Miss Taylor sir, it's from the emergency unit, Miss Taylor asked me to inform you of a hit and run accident of her colleague, Miss Dahlia Banks," the lady said.

"What? What happened?!"

"We are currently on our way to city hospital, Miss Taylor will talk to you now," she politely said and passed the phone to me. My hands trembled as I receive the phone.

"What happened Lacy? I want full details!" He sounded terribly anxious.

"I will tell you when you get there," I said and hung up. This was the first time I ever dared to hang up the call whenever I was speaking to the boss.

I stared at Dee's unconsciously lifeless body and fear gripped my heart.


Matteo POV

I finished typing and locked up my office, I bypassed her office, her desk was tidy as always. I glanced at my wrist watch.


I glided down to my private garage and got into my car, I have previously given the driver the day's off.

As I sped to my penthouse, my phone started ringing interrupting my thoughts. I answered it, my tone slightly annoyed.

"Miss Taylor, explain why you are calling me at this time of the night?" I asked.

"Hello, is this Mr. Silvetti?" a woman's voice asked on the other end of the line. I frowned at the unrecognizable voice. "Yes, you are speaking to him. You are not Miss Taylor, What's going on?"

"Yes, I am not Miss Taylor, it's from the emergency unit," the woman continued. "Miss Taylor asked me to inform you of a hit and run accident of her colleague, Miss Dahlia Banks."

My grip on the steering wheel tightened, my knuckles turning white. "What? What happened?" I asked, my voice shaking. The nurse explained the situation as calmly as possible but the I could barely listen. My thoughts were racing and I could barely process what she was saying. All I could think about was getting to the city hospital as quickly as possible.

".... Miss Taylor will be talk to you now."

"What happened Lacy! I need full details," I said terribly anxious.

"I will tell you when you get there," she said and hung up.

"Fuck!" I hit the steering and sped to the hospital, ignoring the speed limit and running red lights. I could barely see through the tears in my eyes.

As soon as I arrived at the hospital, I rushed to the front desk. "I'm here for my wife," I  said, my voice cracking. The receptionist looked up at me, a sympathetic expression on her face.

"Please come with me to the to the waiting room" she said. I followed the receptionist, my heart pounding in my chest. When they reached the hall, the receptionist pointed to a room at the end of the hall.

I went to the waiting room, where Lacy was pacing back and forth. "Explain," I said.

"I left her to make a call and when I came back, she was on the ground in the pool of her blood," Lacy replied, tears streaming down her eyes. "I was so scared."

I put a hand on her shoulder.
"She's going to be okay," I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt. Just then, a doctor emerged from the operating room.

"Family of Ms. Banks?" he asked. I and Lacy  both stepped forward. "How is she?" Jane asked, her voice trembling.

The doctor looked at them, a grave expression on his face. "I'm afraid I have some bad news. Your friend sustained some serious internal injuries in the accident. We did everything we could, but she didn't make it. I'm so sorry."

Lacy let out a sob, collapsing into my arms. I held her as she cried, frozen in shock and grief.

"Can we see her?" She asked the doctor. The doctor nodded, leading us to the room where Dahlia's body lay. The sight was heartbreaking, and for the first time, I cried.

Standing by her bedside, gazing down at her still form. I couldn't believe that she was gone. All the memories of her, all the moments of her smile, her laughter, anger, mischievousness were gone in an instant.

I felt a surge of anger and sadness, and I found myself shaking with rage. "Why did you just give up like that, are you that weak?!" I yelled and cried, filled with anguish. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see Lacy looking at me with compassion.

"I know it's hard to understand, but sometimes these things just happen," she said softly.

The door of the ward pushed open and a lady and a guy rushed inside, "Dahlia!" The lady shouted and rushed to her bedside.

"Who are you guys?" Lacy asked with her tears stricken eyes.

"I am Thalia Winters her bestfriend and this is my brother, Jason. What happened?" she introduced herself and the guy who stood besides her with an unreadable expression.

"What happened? Is Dahlia alright?" She asked again and Lacy burst out crying again. "The doctor said she...she."

Thalia froze for a few moments before a wail tore out of her mouth, "this cannot be happening, Dahlia wake up, you cannot just back out from our deal, you promised me that you would be there always, you shouldn't leave your friends behind,"

Thalia continued to cry and Lacy joined in too while I just stared at the wall absent minded.


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