Chapter 43

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Five years ago....

"Have the files been delivered to you?" Marilyn asked staring at the rain through the window in the kitchen. It was a rainy afternoon that day.

"Yes, you did a very good job. Come over when you have the chance so I can reward you," Nathan smirked at the other end of the line.

"I am afraid Matteo's sister doesn't like me, she seems suspicious of me," she said. She was so engrossed in the call that she didn't know when Lana walked into the penthouse.

"Then get rid of her."

"You don't just expect me to kill Lana? I'll get caught and if I do get caught, there will be no one to steal the project documents for you. Don't you understand the danger?" Marilyn yelled thinking she was the only person in the luxurious penthouse.

"Just do it, I cover you up," Nathan spoke and hung up. Marilyn cursed and turned back to go to the living room when she saw Lana staring at her in shock.

"You know it bad to eavesdrop on someone's conversation," she smirked menacingly.

"As I suspected, you were the one sabotaging my brother's company," Lana yelled.

"And what you gonna do uh? Run to brother?"

Lana ran out of the penthouse as soon as Marilyn grabbed a knife.

"Shit! She heard, she's on the move," Marilyn called and informed Nathan.

"Inform Pedro on what he has to do, he would require your name as an assurance before the job is done," Nathan said and hung up. Marilyn dialled Pedro who answered immediately.

"This is Tania Anders, Nathan recommended you to me."

"Yes what can I do for you Miss Tania," the deep voice spoke sharply.

"Locate A red sports car with the plate number **** speeding on Avenue road, crush it at the intersection, leave no survivor," she malevolently spoke.

"Consider it done." And he hung up. Marilyn called Nathan next.

"You said you were going to cover me up, get your boys to hack and change my middle name from Tania to Fiona."

"Does anyone know of that name?"

"No not even Matteo, he knows me as Marilyn," she said and Nathan nodded.

"My boys are right on it."

That day, the internet was filled with Lana Silvetti's death although the witnesses said it looked planned because the said truck had rammed into the sports car twice, completely crushing it on the second hit. The Silvetti family conducted an intense investigation which they were able to catch the culprit Pedro. Even with all the interrogations and torture, he could only provide a name: Tania Anders.

"Such a shame you never got to reveal my secret, just like Lana, you'll take it to your grave," she cackled.

"That where you are wrong, did you really think I came here without letting Matteo know about your secrets?" Dahlia sneered. Lacy was duct taped and tied to a wheelchair looking pale, tired and faint. It was obvious that she was losing blood in a quick manner. Have they been torturing her?

"What do you mean?"

"It means I left the flash drive on his nightstand so Matteo must have seen it and probably be on his way right now as we speak," she replied. She must have expected Marilyn to turn pale or look shocked but instead she cackled all the more throwing her off guard.

"Then let him come and save your ass cause I'll so much love to see you two burn. If I can't have him then no one can, if it means me killing him then I will."

"Meanwhile, I will have so much satisfaction torturing the two of you. Stanford stretch out her fingers," she commanded and Stanford stretched out Dahlia's fingers. Marilyn connected the pliers to her thumb fingernail and ripped it out and she screamed bloody murder.

Bang! Bang!

The banging on the steel door interrupted Marilyn as she was going for the index fingernail. She gestured at Stanford to open the door and she pulled out a gun. The door was opened and Jason stood there stiffly.

"Ha nice of you to join the show Jason," Marilyn dropped the gun and pointed at him with the bloody pliers.

"You told me you weren't gonna hurt her Marilyn, you lied to me," Jason yelled angrily.

"Like I've never done that before. Don't tryna be a saint cause you are as much a devil as I am, you were the one who sent that man to harass her at the party, you were the one who attempted to murder Lacy not me and lastly you were the one who told her to come here not me," she sneered at him.

"You were the one all along? Lacy told me about someone close to me plotting against me but I never imagined it would be you, Jason why?" Pain filled her eyes, this had really hit her hard. Jason looked away and raked his hair in guilt.

"I loved you, I loved you to the point of obsession but you never loved me back, you just had to fall in love with that bastard who didn't try to win your heart. I patiently waited for you to love me, I got rid of guys you dated but you didn't take so much as a glance at me then you just had fall in love with Mr Big shot, I tried so hard to get rid of him but he was so cautious and calculating."

"When Marilyn offered to help me get you, I jumped at the opportunity afterall I wanted you and she wanted him it was a win-win situation, but you kept going back to him. Remember the guy you was caught kissing at the party? I paid him to make that happen, I thought that if Mr Big shot sees you as a cheater and dumps you then you'd be mine," Jason smiled at his delusional imagination.

"You are sick! I'll never be with you!" Dahlia screamed and struggled to free herself.

"Fuck Dahlia, Don't day why you don't mean," he glided towards her and Stanford held him back.

"Let me do the punishing, take him to the factory security room," Marilyn commanded and Jason was taken out. She turned to Dahlia with a cold face.

"I really envy how the two of them fight for you, maybe I'll destroy your face next after I finish with your fingernails," she stretched out her index and ripped it out and another scream was heard within the factory building.


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