Chapter 24

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After some minutes, Dahlia stood up and stumbled out of the venue, hailing a taxi afterwards.

"How was the party dearie?" Thalia shrieked and ran to hug her but paused on seeing her expression.

"Cool." She mummered while taking off her heels and walked in. Thalia place her arms akimbo and frowned.

"But you don't look cool, did something happen?"

"No nothing happened, I'm just tired and all. I am going to rest." Dahlia heaved a tired sigh and was walking into her room when she bumped into Jason who was probably eavesdropping on them.

"Oh hey Jason, how are you?" She waved slightly at him and he smiled.

"I am fine and you? I heard about the party you attended, how was it?" Jason muttered but loud enough for her to hear.

"Good." She said and went into her room. Jason gave his sister a look which she returned with a shrug.

"Why didn't you ask what the problem was?" He stared at her in a meaningful way.

Thalia shrugged, "it's her choice to spill when she wants to, I can't force her, when she is ready she will spill."

"Yeah, some friend you are," Jason scoffed at her.

"Why are you so concerned anyway?" Lia snapped at him, he turned away from her and went away too.

"Great! Now dinner is spoilt," Lia flung her hands up in frustration and walked away too.


"Dude you fucked up real bad," Lucas said as Matteo paced up and down running his hand through his hair.

"I know, I don't know what got into me," he slumped on the plush couch and Lucas handed him a drink. He groaned in tiredness and regret.

"You have completely lost her man."

He glared at him, "you are not helping Lucas."
"I am saying the truth Moreover, you had to humiliate her, you could have just walked away but you didn't and now you are regretting." He stood up and walked to the door.

"Hey where are you going?" Matteo questioned and Lucas turned to him.

"I can't help you bro, you crossed the line when you degraded her, it's up to you to bring her back and while you are at it, watch out for Marilyn, she's up to no good," he said and left.

Matteo stood up and walked to the window with his phone in his hand, he dialled her number but it went straight to her voicemail.

Hi, this is Dahlia, leave a message.

Matteo cleared his throat," I am sorry, I wasn't thinking. Call me when you get this message."

He sighed.

Next day......

Dahlia walked into the building confidently. "Good morning Miss Kelly," she greeted the new receptionist who gave her a look of disgust which was the same with everyone she passed by.

Dahlia frowned and walked in to the elevator which took her to her working floor.

"Good morning Lacy."

"You're back! You don't know how much I missed you," Lacy hugged her tightly and she burst out laughing.

"I missed you too, how is Luke?" She asked arranging her desk. Lacy frowned.

"Don't even ask about him, he is a playboy. He told me to tell you that he dumped your ass, tsk, what a douchebag," she sneered.

"It's not his fault," Dahlia shrugged and Lacy gaped at her.

"What do you mean it's no his fault? You approve of what he did?" Lacy frowned at her and she avoided her eyes.

"Yea..I mean no, I don't know," Dahlia slumped on her chair and Lacy walked back to her cubicle.

"Why is everyone looking at me like I am involved in some scandal?" Dahlia suddenly asked and Lacy snapped her fingers.

"Well, rumors have been going round that you are dating the CEO, is that true?" Lacy gazed questionably at her.

Dahlia's expression darkened, "who is responsible for spreading such news?"

"Our very own Luke, according to him, all his dates with you were cancelled because the boss came in between you two and according to him, something is going on between you two," Lacy said.

"I will deal with him later," Dahlia stood up and left to make coffee for him. As she entered the room, she heard two girls whispering about her.

"Can't believe how shameless she is, sleeping with the boss? Just imagine," One of the girls said to the other.

"Yeah I know, she is just a shameless whor..." Dahlia cleared her throat to signify her presence. The two girls instantly stiffened, having been caught red handed, they ran out of the kitchen in shame.

Dahlia clenched her fist in anger and almost broke down on hearing what they head said, she willed herself to be strong.

He is not worth it, they are not worth it.

She said it repeatedly like a  mantra. After making the coffee, she went to his office and knocked before entering.

Matteo who was reading the file in his hand, paused on seeing her. He searched her face for any hint of emotion but all he got was coldness.

"Your coffee sir," she dropped the coffee on his desk and turned to walk away.

"Wait, let's talk," his voice came pleadingly, Dahlia smiled, a cold smile.

"What is there to talk about? You have already made your intentions clear so there is nothing left to talk about," she said coldly and he pinched his nose.

"I know what I did and said was wrong, I am sorry, please forgive me," Matteo stood up from his chair and was walking towards her but she stopped him.

"Don't you dare," she spat out in venom. "Don't you dare think that sorry can change, you humiliated and degraded me, you made feel as if I was nothing and now you tell me you are sorry?"

Matteo took a sharp inhale and looked away in regret and pain.
He regretted having acted impulsively and hurting her.

"I was jealous and angry, I fucked up real bad, I know I shouldn't have said such things which is very sick of me. It's just that I couldn't bear the thought of you with a man other than me," he finally spilled what he kept close to his heart.

"Oh please, don't think this will change anything sir, I am not as gullible as you think and I am certainly not a gold digger or a whore," Dahlia said and walked away slamming the door.

Matteo stood at the center of the office for awhile before going to the wine cabinet. Taking his phone, he dialled a number.

"Come to my office now," he commanded and hung up not letting the other person speak.

Dahlia went into the kitchen and made two cups of coffee before going to her cubicle.

"You sure took long," Lacy said typing on her computer as Dahlia came in, she handed her a cup and placed hers on the desk.

"Yeah, had some business to take care of," she replied and Lacy hummed.

"By the way, douchebag came by."


"Few minutes ago, he left as soon as he saw your empty desk," Lacy chuckled.

"Who's up for some payback?" Dahlia smirked in an evil an cold way.

"Count me in," Lacy said.


I know I have not been updating recently but I will try my best.

Word count 1230


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