Chapter 11

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Lunch break

Dalia's POV

After completing my work, I peeped into Mateo's office, he was typing away on his laptop looking like a demi god.

No Dalia no, don't drool on him, he's not worth it.

That gave me the opportunity to sneak out without him knowing. I walked stealthily toward the elevator as I was about going into it when I heard his voice.

"Where do you think you're going Mrs Banks," He asked with his hands in his pockets which took his hotness to a whole new level.

I gave stuck out my tongue and jumped into the elevator frantically pushing the buttons, I exhaled in relief as the door was closing but it was short-lived because his hands stopped the door from closing. He pried the door open.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I screamed at him, Lacey would be waiting for me downstairs by now but this man won't let me be.

"Did you think you could run away from me?" He said grinning. I frowned at him.

"You have a lunch date to go to, I have a lunch date to go to and we both are running late so let's not do this right now." I tried to reason with him.

"Yeah but yours is invalid so you're coming with me."

Before I could comprehend what I heard, I suddenly felt weightless and the world spinning, it took a while to realize that he had carried me on his shoulder.

How broad is his shoulder?

"Hey! What are you doing? Put me down this instant you sir!" I yelled at him. Fortunately, there was nobody to witness this scandalous act.


"Your vocabulary is quite colorful tesoro," he smiled while gritted my teeth seething.

"Colorful my ass."

"Which by the way is a nice view," he smirked making me blush deeply.

"Che cazzo?" I cursed indistinctly.
(Fuck you)

He chuckled and walked towards the elevator. My eyes widened at the thought of him carrying me like this past the canteen, I wouldn't survive the horror.

"Hey! Wait! Wait! You can't carry me past the canteen like this, put me down and I would willingly follow you." I begged, something I will never do in my life again.

"Who said I am taking the public elevator."

He diverted and walked towards his private elevator which to led his private underground parking lot.

"Will you drop me down now? Am bored," 🙁

"Nope and I am not bored, I have your ass to entertain me."

"If you don't drop me down, I'll annihilate your family jewels."

He stiffened for a while. "Then you will have to marry me, not a bad idea though," he smiled and I scoffed at his mentality.

Really? Is he that stupid?


The elevator opened and he walked out towards his car. I struggled to free myself from him when he suddenly dropped me.


I landed on my ass, my perfect bun was in a messy condition and my blouse was crumpled. I stood up and arranged my clothes, sneering at him as he opened the door for me to get in.

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