Chapter 17

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Two days later


"Enter," she said as she untied her hair. He walked into the room and cleared his throat.

"Yes?" she looked at the handsome man leaning on her door post.

"You are beautiful," he blurted out instantly, she paused and peered at him.

"I hear that alot now if you don't have any decent thing to do, please see yourself out," she took a comb and started combing it. He chuckled softly and walked into the room.

"You don't have to be so cold all else you won't find a husband," he deliberately teased her, she tilted her head before replying.

"And who told you I don't already have someone in mind," she turned to him and folded her arms. His expression darkened and he advanced slowly towards her.

"Who is he?" His face was few inches away from hers but because she was shorter, her face only reached his shoulder level.

She looked up at him wanting to look intimidating, "he is someone you don't know."

He arched a brow, grabbed her arm and leaned into her ear.

"Let's see if he is so much better in kissing than I am," his dark hair fell over his green eyes as he leaned into her face. She had already knew what he was going to do and had prepared in advance.

What a pervert– she thought.

She brought her leg up to his balls and kneed it, he shrieked and fell on the floor groaning in pain.

"Fuck woman! Do you wanna kill me?" He grunted and continued holding his balls as she grinned at him.

"Touch me Matteo Rafael Silvetti and I'll make sure your balls cease to exist, now if you'd excuse me sir, you have a very important meeting by 2pm sharp, and you don't wanna miss it," she faked a British accent and walked out.

"Damn you woman," he muttered and limped out the door.

Two hours later

The CEO of Yates company was seated with Matteo negotiating a business deal. Matteo stared at the young man coldly while listening to him, he always use this type of attitude to figure out any of his shareholders or investors hidden agenda.

"How much exactly do you need for the project?" He asked the man coldly, his cold expression didn't seem to affect the man in any way.

"100 to 200 million at least," Corey Yates replied and gave the aloof man a glance.

"I understand that if you want to draw out because you are afraid of the project failing and you losing the money, I can assure you that the money will be refunded if the project happens to fail," Corey let out holding his breath, he secretly hoped the man won't draw out.

"What's my cut?," Matteo sipped from the glass of wine before him.

"You will become one of my Major shareholder," Corey  breathed a sign of relief.

"What percentage are we talking about exactly?" Matteo eyed the man waiting for an answer.

Corey froze in his seat, what a sly man, he thought.

"49% of the shares exactly," Corey chose his words wisely not wanting to be deceived into selling his company.

"Then we have deal," he shook the man's hand and stood up, Corey hesitated before saying.

"Thank you for your assistance."

"Just don't give me a reason to ruin you," Matteo walked away with his broad shoulders squared.

He walked towards the sleek black Bugatti Veyron were he met her sulking.

"Are you still sulking? Sheesh, you're unbelievable," he shook his head and was about to climb in when she pushed him and he fell on his butt.

"What the heck? Hey!" He shouted but she had already driven off.

"That's my favorite car," he whined and stomped his feet, any passerby who witness this would have been shocked. A guy being pushed out of his car by his 'girlfriend' who just drove away.

That's just absurdly romantic!


Truly absurdly romantic. What do you think of pervert Matteo or Dalia who is slowly catching feeling s for him.

Comment and vote.

Peace ✌️✌️.

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