Chapter 35

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Matteo stood at his room's balcony, a drink in his hand and a phone connected to his ears, his expression grave.

"What did you find?" He asked coldly, the person at the other end clicked his tongue.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing," the person said.

Matteo sighed and gulp down the whiskey. "Call me when you find anything else." He said and hung up and walked back into his room throwing his phone on the bed before walking into the bathroom.

"Fuck!" He growled and punched the wall in anger. The cool water running from the shower did nothing to cool his anger. The doctor's words kept ringing in his ears.


"After running a series of tests on the patient's brain, I can say with certainty that she does not have amnesia."

Matteo looked at the doctor, his brow furrowed in confusion. "But she was showing all the signs of amnesia," he said. "She couldn't remember anything that had happened in the past few days, she doesn't remember me!"

Dr Brett nodded. "I understand your confusion," he said. "But what the patient might be experiencing maybe actually a form of dissociative amnesia, which is a psychological condition, not a neurological one. It's a coping mechanism that the mind form to protect the mental health of the patient, the accident may have been so traumatizing that her brain decided to forget somethings."

"What can be done to restore her memories back?" He asked anxiously.

"We just have to give her time, don't engage in therapy for now, let her remember at her own time. Meanwhile shower her with love and affection, that will make it a lot more easier."

"Okay," Matteo said and left the doctor's office.

Flashback ended

After showering, he went to sleep without dinner.


Jason walked back into the ward looking pale, this obvious sight raised both Dahlia's and Thalia's brows.

"What's wrong with you Jason?" Dahlia asked concerned and Jason shook his head.

"Nothing," he forced out a smile, a weak one. Thalia noticed and glided towards him. "Is it something you ate? Are you nauseous?"

Jason seeing this as a way out of all their questions, he wanted nothing more than to just wake up from this nightmare.

"Yes, I think I feel a little unwell though, I think I will be heading home," he turned to leave but she grabbed his wrist.

"Dahlia wants to tell you something, she doesn't want anybody to know."

He nodded and looked towards Dahlia, a mixture of fear and expectations flashed in his eyes.

"I think I have amnesia, I don't remember a couple of things like the accident, somethings and most especially that man who was arguing you," she said, a pained expression on her face.

Jason didn't whether to jump or shout, to him this was a great news. "You mean Mr Silvetti?"

"Mr Silvetti? Who's that?"

"It's his surname, Matteo, the man you are talking about," Jason said perfectly hiding the gladness in his tone.

"Yeah, I think so....I am so tired I think I should take my rest," she said and lay down on her back.

"Then we should get going, get well Dee so that we can go bungee jumping and croissant eating," Thalia laughed and left with Jason on her trail.

Dahlia sighed audiblyand closed her eyes.

Two days later

Matteo's POV

The doctor and I walked into the ward to meet her staring at the wall. I could tell that she was anxious to leave by the expression on her face

"I have some good news," Dr Brett said smiling. "Your tests all came back normal, and you're free to go home."

Her eyes widened, "Thank you, doctor," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I can't tell you how long I have waited for this moment."

"I know, patients get that everytime, the feeling of returning home," the doctor said, his tone warm and reassuring. "I just want to make sure you have a plan for how you'll take care of yourself once you're home."

She nodded. "I'll be staying with..."

"Me," I interjected immediately and she threw me a confused look. "She is my wife, I will take her home."

"Okay, that's good to hear," the doctor said, a smile on his face. "It's important to have a support system in place, especially during difficult times. I'm glad to hear you have someone to take care of you."

After signing the necessary papers and all. The moment we stepped out of the hospital she took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, watching her steadily.

She shrugged, "I'm not sure," she said hesitatingly. "Everything is still a bit of a blur. But I'm grateful to be out of the hospital, thank you for your care Mr Silvetti."

"Mr Silvetti? You remember?" I was filled with hope instantly.

"Sorry no, Jason told me your name, surname to be exact," she apologized immediately and the growing hope shrank.

"Oh..ok," I deadpanned and walked her to my car. "Are we really married?" She asked getting in the car.

"Something like that."

And he zoomed off.


"Bring it on bitch, the game have just started."

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