Chapter 30

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2 days later

I walked into the VIP hospital ward which held her, I sighed softly as I gazed on her pale, lifeless form, the continuous beeping was the only reassurance that I had that she was alive.

I sat at her bedside taking her pale hand in mine, how much did I love her? Just too much to count but I never had the courage to tell her how I truly felt, and now, it might be too late......but then and might.

I tightened my grip."I love you Marissa. I have loved you for a very long time but I was too much of a coward that I couldn't tell you, now" I closed my eyes and forced back the tears threatening to row down his eyes "it might just be too late."

Thinking back on our childhood days, the memories started flooding back to me.

It was all the way back in elementary school when it had started. I was jealous of the  attention and love that my parents showered on her, though she was not part of their family. Her father was one of my dad's trusted employee who helped dad to watch over the company while he was away. My parents had gone out of the way and enrolled her in my school.



"Yes mooomm," I drawled knowing how much mother hated it, as I came down for breakfast, mom glared at me taking her seat.

"Ma'am Silvetti, how do I look?," A cute voice called from behind me and I instantly turned facing the voice owner.
  Standing behind me was her, Marissa, in a black and gold uniform that I realized was the same as mine.

"Oh dear you look pretty, it fits you nicely" mother said gushing at her and leaving me confused. "And what did I say about addressing me as ma'am Silvetti."

"Sorry Mom, it won't happen again," she bowed her head playing with the tie of the uniform.

Mother gave her a smile and turned to me, "see Rafael, she going to be your friend."

"She will never be my friend, I hate her," I shouted at mother and ran out of the house not glancing back once.

*Flashback ends*

That was the very moment started picking on her. It had been little things at first - teasing her about her clothes or her hair. But as time went on, I increased the intensity of my actions. I had started calling her names, spreading rumors about her, I even ruined her dates out of jealousy. It had gone on for years, and I never had it in me to apologize for it.

A certain occasion happened right in highschool that made me regret what I did, it was the very first time since I started bullying her that she cried.


"Yo dude!" My best friend Lucas called and put his arm across my shoulder.

"What Lucas? Don't bother me," I nonchalantly said and continued eating.

"What happened to you bro? Did you sleep yesterday night? Or did Nancy keep you awake?" Lucas smirked knowingly.

"Get lost," I stood up to leave but stopped as I sighed her coming into the canteen with a guy who I had made a bet with.

"I have an idea," I whispered to Lucas and pointed at them, Lucas eyes widened in realisation and he immediately shook his head.

"Don't do this Rafael, you'll regret it, I am telling you," Lucas held my arm trying to stop me but I yanked it out.

"Watch me."

*Flashback ends*

You can guess what happened next, I humiliated her so badly that she didn't come to school for a week and I instantly regretted it.

Now, all those memories were coming back to me, and I felt ashamed realizing how much pain I caused her over the years but I know I can't change the past, all I can do is make amends

"I know I can't take back what I did to you, but I want to apologize," I said, my voice breaking. Just as I was about to lean in and kiss her head, the door to the ward flew open, and someone walked in. I looked up in surprise, and saw Marilyn. She looked surprised and sauntered over to the bed.

"Oh hi darling, What are you doing here?" she asked sweetly.

"I should be the one asking you that," I eyed her coldly and she smiled more sweetly.

"I heard what happened to your PA and came to offer condolences," she said walking towards Dahlia's bedside.

"You have offered them, now leave," I said staring at her lazily but she still stood there staring at me.

Third person POV:

"I miss you so much hon..,"

"Get out," he interrupted her coldly, releasing very cold and dangerous vibes. Her face paled a little.

"Can't you forgive me and go back to the way we where?" She asked desperately and he  stood up to his full height, his eyes running down her body.

"Forgive you? You should know by now that I don't accept betrayal," he slowly and intimidatingly walked round her while regarding her with an equally intimidating look.

Marilyn stood pinned and paled to the ground with her head slightly bowed. What am I gonna do now? She was inwardly biting her teeth.

"So what is it gonn...,"

"I will do anything, anything to earn your forgiveness and love," Marilyn rapidly spoke, quivering with the sudden fear that entered her body from nowhere. She had come here with the purpose of ending that bitch's life once and for all but fate worked against her.


"Anything." She almost collapsed on her knees.

Matteo pretended to think for a moment, "sorry but I don't deal with second hand products." Marilyn gasped and paled and struggled to hold herself but the current aura oozing out the man in front of was enough to drain her.

"Now I hate to repeat myself," he stood behind her with a disgusted stare and she got the memo. With a slow and pain filled expression, she proceed to walk out of the ward but just as she got to the door, his next sentence sent massive amount of fear into her body.

After saying what he said, he watched as the sheet of paper floated away.


I know I haven't updated in a while, please forgive me and as for the part where Matteo intimidated Marilyn, (for any anime otakus) imagine an anime villain intimidating his or her fellow anime character eg (sukuna intimidating mahito etc)
As for none anime otakus, use any movies you have watched.


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