Chapter 10

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Mateo's POV

"I am tired of her pranks, can you believe that she nailed a disemboweled rat to a stick and placed it on my desk, A FREAKING DISEMBOWELED RAT!!," I exclaimed and Lucas burst out laughing. He laughed till he almost fell off the chair.

"I like her already, I have never seen someone like her, she's definitely your match." Lucas continued laughing and it became irritating.

I glared at him, "Get out." I said coldly. he stood up tears visible in his eyes and a grin, he looked at me and burst out laughing. I stood and chased him out, running like a mad man, he stumbled and almost fell. Suddenly the door opened and mother walked in.

"Oh my God," she exclaimed as Lucas almost crashed headlong into her but diverted and crashed into the wall falling on his butt.

My mum just stared wide eyed with her hands on her chest, she gave at me with an 'explain this nonsense' look, I flashed Lucas a look and he quietly limped out holding his butt.

"Is this how you behave Mateo Rafael Silvetti." Mother screamed furiously at me. I facepalmed myself, I hate when she says my full name.

"Mom, the company is in a good shape, it is still the No.1 most flourishing company in the country and I am still the in the list of the top most eligible bachelor in the country," I recited flatly. That has been my usual anthem anytime my mom starts nagging me, dad never had a problem, he only nags me when it drops slightly.

"I know, when are you going to get married? You are 27 years old and you are not getting any younger, I want a grandchild or children," she nagged with her hands on her waist.

I visibly cringed. I always knew she'd bring up this topic, since she started nagging me about getting a wife, I would always have the creepy feeling of being watched.

"You have a new PA... uhmmm....Dalia Marissa Banks I think and she is giving you a hard time, why didn't you fire her?" she said trying to look nonchalant.

See what I mean, she even knows her full name. She watches. 👁️👁️

"That doesn't concern you mom, get to the point." I looked bored then she smirked.

"You like her, don't you? That's why you didn't fire her," she smiled so wide that I feared her lips would tear.

I choked on my saliva, "Christ, mom give me a break here, not every girl is wife material."

On the contrary, Marissa was ready to skin me alive if she ever gets the chance.

The door opened and Marissa walked in holding a file. Mother glanced at her then she peered, a flash of regonition crossed her face.

"Aren't you Mrs Lopez?" Mom asked as she peered at her curiously. Marissa had a confused look on her face before it was replaced with surprise.

"Oh no, I am her daughter Marissa and you are Mrs Silvetti!" she gasped.

"It's been forever since I saw you last." Mother hugged her smiling.

"We no longer answer Lopez, its Banks now," Dalia smiled back.

"How are your parents?"

"My dad is dead while my Mom lives in Kessington now," she replied making me and Mom hold our breath.

"Oh dear, I am sorry for your loss."

"Thank you ma'am."

"It's Mom," Mother corrected her and she blushed before taking her leave.

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