Chapter 37

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Dahlia's POV

"Is this your house? Wow, it marvelous," I awed and Matteo smiled.

"You have actually been here before," he said.

"After our wedding?"

He stiffened, "yeah.....yeah after our wedding."

He took me round the house showing me the ins and outs of the house. I pretended to be awed at the sight, I have actually been here before.

"It feels weirdly familiar, like I have been here at all, I mean I am trying to remember," I rubbed my forehead pinching it slightly.

"Don't worry you will remember some day, it just needs time, don't force yourself." He said coaxing me.

After freshing up, I went down to cook dinner. I was cooking when I felt arms around my torso and I stiffened.

"You don't know how long I have been wanting to do this," he said resting his dark head on my shoulder and sniffing my hair, I struggled to hide how affected I was.

"Stop Rafael I'm cooking," I unknowingly said shoving him gently and he instantly stood erect.

"Did you just say my middle name?" A frown appeared on his face and for a moment the kitchen was thrown into silence.


" just sorta...came out my mouth, I mean....the name appeared in my head," I lied, hopelessly fumbling with my words, he stood still staring at me.

Shit, I need to figure something out all else he'd figure me out.

"Isn't it a good thing?" I arched my brow and turned back to continue cooking. He slowly nodded.

"Yeah, it's a good thing, I am glad you remember my name."

*Ding dong*

We heard the doorbell. "Let me go get it," he said and walked away. As soon as he left, I clasp my head.

"What is wrong with you Dee, you almost got caught, you need to focus on the mission,” I chided myself. Not long after, I heard voices, loud voices. Who's Matteo yelling at? I took a cloth and wiped my hands before walking out of the kitchen.

I walked out to meet him and her

"What the fuck is she doing in our house Matteo?" Marilyn screeched like a banshee, throwing me death glare which I return with a sweet smile.

"What do you......."

"It's a pleasure to have you here Miss Anderson, do please come in," I interrupted him and ushered her in.

"What are you doing?" He looked obviously offended at what I did.

"I invited her over, she is your fiancee, isn't she?" He glared me but I ignored me. My target for now was the lady in front of me. I threw her a wink which she returned with a surprise look.

"You what? We are not together. I told you we are..."

"I know, I think you should settle your differences," I turned to Marilyn, "she can be a little rude but she is a good person."

The look on Marilyn's face was priceless, "then what are you doing here?" She asked me, even with surprise look on her face I could still make out the flicker of suspicion hidden in her eyes.

"Oh Mr Silvetti asked for my help on some company files," I shrugged and flashed her a smile with she returned stiffly. Questions as well as confusion filled Matteo's eyes as I walked past him to the kitchen, one point for me. I smirked.

Marilyn POV

What the hell happened just now? Is it me or is the bitch acting weird? Almost like ,she is trying to bring us together.

I think that this amnesia is a good thing.

"Even the bitch wants us to reconcile, listen to her, let's go back to the way things used to be baby," I said caressing his arm but he yanked it out of my grip and glared at me.

"In your dreams Marilyn, I'll never go back to you even if I accept second chances I won't accept you," he said disgust clear in his tone.

"Why do you hate me that much?" I asked almost in tears, he paused and sighed.

"I never loved you Marilyn," he confessed leaving me astonished. What did he mean he never loved me? Was he just using me?

"You never loved me? Were you just....using me?" Words dried up in my throat.

This is unbelievable! How could he? How could he do this?

"I thought I had moved on from my first love, and were just there, I'm sorry I shouldn't have led you on so..."

"You sought to get rid of me and you ditched me the moment you got the chance," I chuckled, pain and bitterness filling my chest.

"You cheated on me not with any other man but with my rival, you can't expect to me to forgive you for that," he turned his back on me leaving me to admire the attractive muscles in his back.

"I know I am in the wrong by doing you want to know why I cheated on you?" I asked and he turned to face me curiously, his stare making me nervous. "It's not that you aren't good in bed, hell you are a monster..."

"Get to the point."

"You were drifting away from me, I could feel you drifting away, you no longer had time for me anytime I wanted your attention you'd just throw your credit card at me. So when Nathan came with the proposal of his love and affection in exchange for some of your office confidential files, I..I just gave in," I finally spilled the beans.

"Gosh, the fuck?" He muttered under his breath. Guilt clouded my conscience.

"I'm not equally proud of what I did, I know I should have told you but you won't listen and still make excuses that you were busy," I broke down in tears.

He hugged me, "I did know I was putting you through all that I swear, I should have listened more," he apologized, I smiled feeling cosy in his arms. God, I miss this.

"Does this mean you forgive me, you want us to start all over again?" Eagerness filled my tone, Finally I can begin again with him.

"I forgive you but I can't be with you anymore, I love someone else, I can't let you go through that again it will just break you again," he muttered into my hair and I heard, I heard it loud and clear.

"What do you mean you can't be with me? Is it because of that bitch? Is she the one you love? Arrgh! This is outrageous!" I yelled angrily at him. How could he? How could he do this? If I can't have him then no one can.

I have never felt more determined in my life.

So....Marilyn is not actually a bad person, she is just obsessed with Matteo. I felt sorry for her.

Shout out to all those unrequited love, I love y'all


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