Chapter 44

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By the time Matteo got to the location, it was already twenty seven minutes to one. He called Lucas who was currently on his way.

"Have you informed the gang?"

"Yes, they have currently surrounded the perimeter, about three henchmen on the East wing, two guards at the gate post and five patrolling the West wing perimeter, we don't know how many are on the inside."

"Okay, where are you?"

"Right behind you." Just then, a black Rolls Royce parked behind him. The trees in the area had carefully hid the cars from plain sight.

"Don't do anything stupid when we attack them, the mission is to silently infiltrate the factory, get her and get out of there...."

"And kill that bitch," Matteo growled putting on the black gloves and snatching the two guns in his car.

"Let's go."

"Wait!" Lucas handed him a Bluetooth device, "for communication." He took it and wore it. Matteo and Lucas walked into the compound after strangling the two guards at the gate post.

"I'll take the west wing, you take the east wing, tell the gang to engage," Matteo ordered and carefully snuck to the west wing. Considering the amount of guards there, that should be where they are holding her.

"Roger," Lucas said and updated the gang. In the west wing, two guards out of the five were playing cards and smoking, Matteo took the chance and shot them in the head using a silencer. He carefully slipped into the factory and was making his upstairs when he heard a gunshot.

"Shit, what's happened?" He asked Lucas through the bluetooth device.

"One of the guards must have found a dead body and fired a warning shot," Lucas yelled and gunshots was heard at the background.

"They are more than we thought and it looks like she had this carefully planned out, be careful bro," Lucas said, a loud boom was heard and the east wing was on fire.

"Fuck Matteo! The building is fucking rigged, half of the gang were blown to pieces," he cursed.

Matteo cursed and ran up the stairs, five henchmen intercepted him firing bullets at him. He carefully dodged them and shot back skillfully killing four out of the five of them.

"Take me to your boss," he said holding the fifth henchman at a gunpoint, he complied and took him down a hallway leading to a steel door.

"Knock," he commanded the man hesitated at first before knocking. After a while, the steel door opened and series of bullets flew out burying themselves in the man's body. Matteo was quick to use the man as a shield and escape unhurt.

After the barrage of bullets had stopped, he pushed the dead man's body into the room and walked in.

"Huh so it's you," Marilyn's sticky sweet voice filled the dark room much to his disgust.

"Where is she Marilyn?" Matteo looked around the dark room, his eyes gradually adjusting to the darkness.

"Right here," Marilyn cackled and the lights turned on. A body was tied to a chair at the other end of the room, a little pool of blood surrounded the figure and more blood were slowly steeping out from where was once fingernails.

"What have you done to her?" Matteo gritted his teeth, his heart pounding with fear and determination. Dahlia lay slump on the chair, her body weak and covered in blood. Marilyn tightened her grip on the gun, a sneer on her face.

"Two lovers reunited finally so romantic," Malice filled her tone.

"Let her go, or I'll kill you!" Matteo shouted, his voice shaking with emotion. Marilyn laughed, a cold and cruel sound. "I am already dead so there is nothing you can do."

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