Chapter 16

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I think I have to time skip

Two months later


She picked up the phone.

"Silvetti holdings corporations, how can I help you?" She said pinning the phone in-between her shoulder and ear and typing on the computer.

"Get my private jet ready now and prepare yourself, you're coming with me on a business trip," the husky voice said aloofly and hung up.

She just stared at the phone before being snapped out of her daze as Lacey flicked her finger.

"Dalia what happened," Lacey asked worriedly.

"Damnit," She cursed seething.

"Dalia, just tell me what happened this time."

She explained to Lacey who consoled her.

"How can he inform you on short notice?"

"Well he's my boss after all, I've got to do it now if you'd excuse me, I have a jet to prepare."

After preparing his jet, she went to inform him.

"Sir, your private jet has been prepared and ready to leave," she said and eyed the man behind the desk.

"I don't think I can go with you sir, I didn't have time to pack my things," she said in a somewhat indignant tone.

He glared at her coldly. "It is not up to you decide whether you get to go or not, when I say you are going with me" he added in a menacing tone, "then you are going with me."


"Get out!" He ordered and she clenched her hands. Gritting her teeth, she left in anger.

"Jerk," she slumped on her chair and cursed him.

Few hours later

They were seated in the private jet as it got ready for take off. He sat adjacent to her while working on his laptop. She was looking out the window of the jet as it ascended.

Mateo glanced at her and noticed her fidgeting with the hem of her skirt.

"Scared of flying?" He asked deliberately teasing her.

"N-n-no, I am not scared," she replied in a rather timid tone.

He chuckled softly, "I didn't know my ferocious PA is scared of flying," he mocked.

"This wouldn't have happened if you had the right sense to leave me behind."

She was becoming more fidgety as the jet rose to full height. Her breaths came out in wheezes.

Hell no, not my asthma, she thought.

Mateo noticed how red her face had become, he panicked when he heard her wheezing.

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