Chapter 26

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"You did well," Marilyn smirked at the guy who was deliberately caught with Dahlia by Matteo.

"Anything for you boss lady," he did a short bow.

"Do you have any assignments for me?"

"No you can go, I'll call you when I need you," Marilyn waved him away and left. She took out her phone and dialled an unknown number.

"Have you done the job?" Eagerness filled her voice and the assassin gulped.

"Not yet," the assassin said and she grew furious.

"What do you mean 'not yet'?" She tried to hide the rage in her voice.

"Give me time, I almost got her at the event but she managed to slip me."

She gritted her teeth, "I don't need a job almost done, I need a job done even if it means you killing yourself do it!"

"Yes ma'am, I won't let you down," the assassin said and hung up. Marilyn angrily smashed her phone on the tiled ground. This was the fifth phone she had smashed on the ground in a fit of anger.

"Get me a new phone," she ordered her manager and the maids hurried to clean the ground.

"Marilyn, you have a shoot this afternoon so you better arrange yourself," Darlene, her manager rolled her eyes and ordered another phone.

"Another shoot? Is it with the the newly designed Giovanni Versace coat?"

"Yes and Balenciaga," Darlene scribbled away on the clip board.

Marilyn hurriedly stood up, "call my fashion designer, make-up artists and hairstylists."

"Yes Mari." Darlene stiffly walked away.


Thalia was coming out of the supermarket with groceries when a pickpocket snatched her purse.

"Hey! Come back here! My purse!" She screamed and a shiny looking white Bugatti Veyron drove passed with speed, carrying her hat in the process.

She couldn't possibly leave her groceries in front of the supermarket to pursue the pickpocket, that would be utter foolishness. She picked her hat and was about to walk away, after all a purse containing few dollar bills wouldn't kill her.

"Hey red!" She heard a deep voice call from behind her, far behind her, when she turned she caught sight of a young, attractive and hot guy walking towards her waving a red object in the air, her purse.

"Oh thank you mister," she thanked him and wanted to take back the purse but the guy put it in his pocket.

"Hey what are you doi–" She raised her head to stare at him, "You!"

"Yeah me, nice meeting you again Thalia," Diego smirked cockily.

"Wait, how do you know my name?"

"Let's have lunch," he told in front of her confidently, she scoffed and frowned.

"Me have lunch with you? You're crazy."

"Then you wouldn't mind me carrying you on my shoulders," Diego shrugged.


He lifted her on his shoulders and carried her to his car with the groceries in his hand, people started staring and she became embarrassed.

"What are you doing? People are looking, put me down," she hit his back in desperation and he chuckled.

"But if I drop you, you'd run off," He said and she groaned tiredly.

"Okay, I promise I won't run of so please can you put me down, I can already feel blood rushing to my head," She cried and he put her down, the moment her feet touched the ground, the world spinned and she almost fell but he was quick to catch her.

"Gosh, see what you did now I am feeling all nauseous," Thalia held her head in her hand and her stomach turned.

"If you can't walk I don't mind carrying you." Before she could protest, he suddenly swooped her bridal style and went to his car.

"Where are you taking me to?" Thalia asked rubbing her temples in irritation.

"McDonalds," he chirped gladly and zoomed off.

What have I gotten myself into? Thalia thought.


"Matteo?" She gently tapped him on the shoulder and his arms tightened around her waist, head resting on her boobs.

She managed to get his arms off her and laid his body on the couch. She stood up to go, turning back, her gaze turned soft as she stared at his peaceful face.

"If I didn't know, I'd have thought you were a gentle person," she stroked his hair and dialled the number of his personal bodyguard. He had given her the contact recently.

"Hello ma'am," Duke answered immediately.

"No need to be so formal Duke," Dahlia chuckled softly.

"Sorry ma... Dee," he corrected himself and Dahlia informed him about Matteo's situation.

"Okay, I'll be up there in a second, stay with him till I come?"

Dahlia hesitated, "Okay but I won't stay long."

"Alright, I'm coming," and he hung up. Dahlia sighed audibly and rested her hips on his desk quietly waiting for Duke.

Minutes later, Duke barged into the office waking her from the quiet slumber she had almost fallen into.

"Oh you're here, I better get going," she adjusted her glasses and wiped her eyes but he stopped her.

"I might need a little help here," he said pointing at the huge man laying wasted on the couch.

"Oh! No problem." She joined hands with him and together they lifted drunk Matteo and took him to the car, it was a tiring and embarrassing ordeal because he started muttering Dahlia's name making her blush because Duke was listening.

"Thank you for your help Dee," Duke put Matteo's body into the Rolls Royce and she waved  him.

"It's my pleasure."

"Sorry for not minding my business but if you don't mind I'd like if you two would reconcile, he..." Duke gestured at wasted Matteo, "has been miserable for the past few days, always drinking and burying himself in his work, please forgive whatever he did."

Dahlia blushed embarrassingly, "I... I'll try but I can't guarantee though."

Duke smiled warmly and they bid themselves good bye before parting ways.

"Wow, you closed late today," Thalia stirred the chicken curry and she slumped tiredly on the chair.

"All thanks to my boss."

"Why don't you quit," Jason suggested and Thalia shot him a glare.

"No thank you, this job feeds me," Dahlia eyed him wearily.

"I mean you can work at my company," Jason said but she shook her head.

Heading to her room, "I love my job," she concluded and retired to her room. Thalia faced him.

"Face it Jason, she doesn't have feelings for you, move one." But Jason ignored her.


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