💖chapter one💖

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Monica.. Monica.. Monica. Wake up!

  Daine called out trying to wake her beautiful daughter up to prepare for school..

"Mommy, I don't want to go to school today. Can't I skip school just once please mom, I badly don't want to wake up now", Monica murmured rolling on the bed

"Monica sweetheart", Daine started trying to get Monica's attention.. "You know I will do everything in my power to see you through school.. Don't you want mommy to be proud of you?"

"Ok mom, I won't skip school and l will always make you proud", Monica said sluggishly standing from her bed as she dragged herself to the bathroom to take her beauty shower..

Monica's room is quite a small room with a simple bathroom but very comfortable.. Monica as a child has always wanted to have her own room and now that her dream became reality, she decorated the room, making it comfortable and relaxing..

Trying to get herself, she splashed water on her face severely until her eyes were widely opened. She took her toothbrush and applied toothpaste on it and brushed her teeth carefully to avoid bleeding.. After brushing, Monica came out from the bathroom and saw her mom still on her bed...

"Mom, will you sit there and wait for me to prepare for school", Monica asked her mother as she took a clean towel from her fancy wooden wardrobe...

"Yes baby, I will.. It has been long since I prepared you for school.. Since you entered your senior year in school, you have refused me from preparing you so let me stay and watch you prepare", Daine said smiling at her precious daughter

Monica goes to one of the best schools "VILLIE ACADEMY" which only the rich attend. Surprised how her mother is able to sponsor her education, well,  Monica came first position during the exam of her junior grade.. She was there sponsored by one Sir Edward, one of the richest and influential men in the county.. It wasn't easy for Monica to leave her old school "FORCADA HIGH SCHOOL" and her friends to where she is currently. Her first day in school wasn't pleasant because of the rude rich girls who were not happy of her stay.. And now, they are all in their final year.

Ok mom, just give me few minutes and I will be out, Monica said as she entered the bathroom

Few minutes later

Monica came out with towel tied on her soft skinned body. She sat on her small wooden chair facing the little dressing table.. She started humming a song as she creamed her body slowly forgetting the time..

Daine from behind, enjoying the song her daughter was humming said "Monica, be quick and have your breakfast so you won't be late for school".

Monica wore her uniform and her socks holding only her pair of shoe and bag which her mom arranged neatly all her books in it.. Both herself and her mother left the room and headed straight to the kitchen..

Monica quietly ate her cooked rice and beef her mom prepared while Daine watched her daughter peacefully.. When she was done eating, Daine brought water for her and took the plate away to the kitchen..

"Mom, can you accompany me to school please", Monica asked her mother but Daine refused telling her daughter that she has a lot of things to do especially her shop where she sells provisions as well as cosmetics..

"Ok mommy, have to go now.. I don't want to be late", Monica hugged her mom...

"Be good and pay attention to your teachers", Daine said and pecked her..  Monica quickly left the house so as to catch the last bus heading her direction.. Monica ran as fast as she could.. On getting there, she saw her friend, Amber. Both her and Amber greeted each other as they ran to the end of the road...

Amber is a year older than Monica but Monica behaves more matured than Amber.. Monica and Amber grew up together to the extent that when Monica relocated, Amber begged her parents to relocate to Monica's place so as to be together with her best friend..

"Oooh no, we missed the bus", Amber exclaimed buh Monica told her not to worry.. They both started walking down the road.. Ville academy wasn't really far the bus-stop where they were.. Half way to school, a while Benz car parked beside them and a young boy who also  attended their school alighted from the car..

Hi girls, it's almost 7am and am sure before you get to school, you both will be late. Do you mind joining me? Raymond said smiling at them.. "Sure, we will", Amber who has been crushing on him since the beginning of their senior year said blushing...

"Uhmm, don't worry Raymond, we will walk. Moreover we are already half way to the school and in no time, we will arrive at school", Monica said trying her best to be polite

"Hey, its nothing.. Am just helping out here and besides, my conscience won't allow me drive down to school while my mates are still walking to school", Raymond tried explaining himself. "Okay, if you're fine with it", Monica replied as Amber stood watching both of them... "Sure, am cool with it", Raymond said as he opened the door for Monica.. Amber didn't wait for anyone to tell her to get inside as she jumped inside the car..

Raymond drove carefully... None if them spoke, not even Amber the talkative... Every student stopped as they watched Raymond drive into the school compound to the parking lot..
Immediately Amber got down from the car, students started shouting but as soon as Monica got down from the passengers side, they stopped shouting and and started murmuring...

"She's flirting with him", Sandra one of the rich rude girls to her group members trying to get the attention of Katrina.. Katrina's the leader of the group who is in love with Raymond and has tried all possible means to get his attention but to no avail..

"How dare she", Katrina said with anger in her voice as she looked at through the window as saw her Raymond walking side to side with Monica.

Oooopps. Another story is here😊😊😇.. Can't explain how I feel about this book... 🙂🙂

what do you think will happen to Monica? 😥😥😥

Do you think Raymond will like Monica ❤♥and ask her out...

Stay out for chapter two. 💖💃💃.. Keep reading and don't forget to drop your vote..

Bye guys❤😇😇.. Loads of love 💖💖❤❤❤😍😍😍😍😍

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