💖chapter forty six💖

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"I can't still believe it. You really mean he was calm and cool towards you. If someone had told me Ray's dad will ever be calm, I wouldn't believe it", Amber said

"I know right. To be honest, I was shocked",

Amber sighed, "Who wouldn't be shocked. Someone who sent you out of his house 6yrs ago. Anyway, I think the bond and friendship between your dad and him is really strong. Who would have thought they were friends all along. This world is really small babes".

"I know. God's really great babes. Now my wedding can hold without any issues", I happily yelled. 

"I know right. Wedding after wedding", she chuckled. "So when I'm I gonna meet our twin sister?"

"Last I called, she said she's on her way with Peter", I said

"And who's Peter?",

"Her cute son", I smiled.

"Hold on", I signaled. I picked up the telephone, "Yeah. Let them in please and anytime she comes around, just let her in except when I'm not on duty", I said, dropping the call.

"Who's that?",

"Maureen. She will soon.... Here she is", the door opened wide revealing two creatures. Maureen and her son, Peter.

"Hey", I smiled. "Amber meet Maureen, our twin. Maureen meet Amber, my bestie", I did a short introduction, taking Peter from her.

"Oh my goodness", Amber stood up. "You both are so identical. I'm Amber, I've heard alot about you and I can't wait to know more about you", she smiled squeezing Maureen in a tight hug.

"I've also heard alot of things about you too. I'm sure we'll both get along well",

We settled down and started chatting. "So how's the company?", I asked her.

"It's doing well sis. What about you? How's the wedding plans moving?", she asked smiling.

"Everything is fine. The hall has been paid for as well as those that will decorate it. The wedding cards have been shared, I just have few with me. The catering services are settled",

"What about the cake and the materials and clothes the girls will wear. Your wedding dress too, the make-up artists, the photography and the rest?", Amber asked

"The cakes, photography and make-up artists are in my care", Maureen answered her.

Amber chuckled. "Babes, wait ooh. Are you even paying for anything at all. Your dad and father in law sponsored the hall and the interior decorations. Ray's mom and your mom decided to sponsor all the materials that are already being sold out. I and Troy were in charge of the wedding cards and the wedding planner too. Girl, you are really lucky".

"The dresses that we all will wear, who do you think is in charge of it?", I asked eyeing both of them.

"Raymond of course, he will take care of them or are you telling me you will pay for them?", Maureen hissed

"You're right though but I really want to do something", I sighed

"It's your special day so leave it to us to handle", Maureen laughed.

"That's reminds me babes, who will be your chief bride's maid?", Amber suddenly asked.

"That's right", added Maureen.

"Uhm, you see. I really don't know. I'm so damn confused, before I met you Maureen, it was actually Amber. But since you are here, I has to be you", I stated.

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