💖chapter forty five💖

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"Babes, we'll continue our gist later. Can't wait to see our twin sister", Amber grinned, entering the car. Troy stood by to help close the door like the perfect gentleman that he is.

"Alright love. Be good and have fun", I waved as I watched them drive out through the gate.

"Time to go babe. Get in", Ray called, opening the two doors for myself and Kim to get in. I shut the back door immediately Kim got in while Ray waited for me to get in before shutting mine.

He jogged over to the driver side, settled in and started the engine to warm up the car. "Ready?",

"Yes captain", I and Kim yelled as he pressed the accelerator, zooming off.

"How's mom doing?", I asked breaking the long silence since we started the journey.

"I thought you didn't want to talk until we get there", he sounded sarcastic.

Taking a long sigh, "Just answer the damn question babe", I hissed.

"She's doing great. She can't wait to meet her granddaughter", he smirked, making a U turn.

"Where are we going mommy?", our beautiful princess asked.

"To your grandparents house. Don't worry, we are almost there", I stretched my arm, caressing her cheek.

"Yaaay. I miss grandma", she sounded so happy.

"No baby. Not them. I mean your second grandparents",

"Okay mommy", she nodded, this time her smile faded away.

"Trust me honey, you will also love them. Now smile for mommy",

She gave me one of her biggest smile before focusing back on the iPad she was playing game on. "Thank you, love", Ray smiled.

"Why are you thanking me?",

"You raised our daughter well, and I can't stop thanking you for that", he confessed.

"Hey, she's my daughter. It's my obligation as a mother to her, so you need not thank me for my duties. Okay!", I pecked his right cheek. Obviously, that's the only available cheek since the steering is at the left side.

"All the same, I will still thank you", he smirked

"Ok fine. I know you are so stubborn". We both chuckled at my statement.

"Are we there yet mommy?", Kim voiced popped the question.

"No sugar. Almost",

She smiled and bent her head to continue playing her game. "Mommy", she called again. I knew she wanted something, "what do you want baby?".

She chuckled, then stopped before starting to bling her eyes. "C'mon spill", I couldn't help but laugh. "I want chocolate and cookies", she finally vomited.

"I knew you were gonna ask for them so I pack some for you", I smiled passing the small fancy bag to her.

"Like mother like daughter", Ray sighed under his breathe, trust me, I heard it clearly.

"Did you say something babe?", I asked rolling my eyes.

"No love. I didn't", he proudly denied, smirking.

I soon found the car driving into the almighty huge compound. "Damn, I've missed home", he sighed, switching off the engine.

Getting down, I sighted a car that looks exactly like dad's. I couldn't get the plate number so I just cleared the idea from my head. Dad can't possibly be here without letting me know.

I took Kim by the hand and followed every step Ray took. Punching the door bell, the door opened wide, the image of Juliet, Ray's personal maid displayed.

"Hi", I greeted her. She smiled at us, opening the door wide for the three of us to get in. "Monica, it's good to see you again", she said, responding to my greeting.

"The pleasure is mine", I smiled back. "My daughter", I introduced Kim to her. After the quick pleasantries between her and Ray, we walked into the huge living room.

"Where is mom?", Ray asked. "Your parents are upstairs with their visitors. But she requested you both should join them when you arrive", she answered.

"Ok. Thanks Juliet. I've missed you though", he smiled. She smiled and excused herself.

He carried Kim and jogged through the stairs. They look so cute together. I followed behind.

On getting there, I dropped my purse shocked at the faces smiling at me.

"Mom! Dad!", I found my confused self shouting. "What are you doing here?"

"My dear, we both wanted to make things easier for you so we bit you both to it", dad spoke first with his lips slightly smirking.

Kim danced her way down from Ray's arm, running to where her grandparents were sitting.

For the first time, Mr Edward smiled at me. "Monica dear", he stood up from where he was sitting, walked up to me and did what I never thought he would ever do. He gave me a welcome hug.

He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me. "Have a seat", he acted so manly, fatherly and nicely. I took in a long sigh before approaching the chair beside mom. My mom, I mean.

Ray's mom, Mrs Beauty was busy trying to engage in a conversation with Kim, discarding Raymond and I.

Mr Edward went straight to the point by first apologizing to me for what he did six years ago. With each sentence he made, I opened my mouth to respond but no word came out from it.

"I know you are still in shock. You didn't imagine things will go well. All thanks to your father here. Monica, I'm deeply sorry for the harsh words I used on you. You really don't need to forgive me now, it's a gradual process and I will wait. But please, don't keep our grand child away from us", he pleaded.

"Uhmm. Sir.. I... ", I was still searching for words to put together before Raymond helped me out. "Dad, I proud of you. Don't worry, I will talk to Monica on your behave",

"No. No need because I have forgiven you a long time ago. I'm only still in shock but I definitely, will get used to your new change sir", I genuinely smiled.

"It's dad. Call me dad", he said, showing his complete 32. For a man in his early fifties, he has a very lovely set of white teeth.

Everything happened so fast and smooth and within an hour, we were all gisting, talking about work and other stuffs while the two grandmothers were busy with their grandchild, catching their own fun.

Dad and mom had already told them about Maureen. "I can't wait to meet your twin sister", he smiled at me.

"Of course dad, you will surely meet with her".

Jane, one of the workers served more glass cups with fruit juice and two extra bottles of wine.

"That reminds me son, you still owe me some explanations for being in Nigeria since last year and you didn't deam you fit to call home", Mr Edward attacked his son. And we all laughed, including our moms.


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