💖chapter thirty six💖

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Seeing my baby grow is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. From the day I gave birth to her, to her baptism and her dedication in church, her first crawl, her first tooth to her first walk. The day she first spoke gave me the greatest joy, and I was more happier when 'mommy' was her first word.

"Baby, hurry up", I shouted from the dinning area where I was making cereal for her breakfast. It's been five years now and she has grown into a cute and respectful child. She will be five may 12 and everyone has been planning for her 5th birthday.

When I say everyone, I mean everyone. Mom, dad, Amber's parents as well as her brother who is now in his first year in the same university, Amber herself and Troy. Sandra on the other hand has been in Ilorin schooling, she and her mom finally left Katrina's father's house and are now relocated in Ilorin.

Talking of dad, when he came back from his business trip, he was damn shocked seeing a baby. He was more shocked when he heard she was his granddaughter. Well, there was nothing he could do than to love his first granddaughter. Lest I forget, mom and dad are back together.

They both renewed their vows two years after Kim was born and her brother, uncle Dave was the priest. Since dad is fucking wealthy, he begged mom to resign and she did. She wanted me to move with her to dad's house, her new matrimonial home but I declined.

I heard my angel's little footsteps coming down. I motioned her to take a seat, which she did. She ate her cereals and drank enough water. I packed her school bag and lunch bag and headed to the car, locking all doors. I dropped her at her school. Actually, she's a nursery pupil and I can't be any happier to watch my baby enter the primary session this year September.

News flash! I will be graduating next year. OMG, I can believe I will finally be a doctor. My dreams are coming through, one by one.

I dropped her off at her school. "KINGSTONE NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL". The school teacher and other teachers always speak highly of her each time I dropped her off.

"Bye love", Squatting, I kissed her. "Bye bye mommy", she smiled back. I stood here, waving and watching her walk in. When she was out of sight, I took off.



I booked the hotel for a week while arranging for my house at Ikota villa estate, lekki phase 2. Surely, I checked other estates but I guess I prefer the one I finally chose at Ikota villa estate for now.  

With the money I was able to save during my years in school as well as my salary for a year back in the states, I afforded the four bedroom duplex. Trust me, I was paid very well over there, and you wouldn't want to know how much. And since I was a loyal employee, the CEO of the company said I was welcomed back anytime.

Walking through the pathway of shopping mall, I saw an image of a lady that looks like Monica. She was standing backing me and I guess speaking with another girl I presume is her friend, but she didn't look anything like Amber. When she turned around, then, I got hold of her face clearly. It sure was Monica.

Speaking of which, I have to locate Troy. But before then, let me I approach Monica. I took courage and walked down to where she was standing with her friend.

"Sorry, are you looking for someone", she looked confused. "Uhmm. Mo.. ni.. ca, I-I-I know.... ", I was still trying to arrange my words when her and the friend started laughing. "Who's Monica please", her friend said in between the laughter.

"Babe, I know I deserve anything from you but not denial. Plea.... ",

"I'm sorry handsome, but I'm not who you think I am. I really need to go now. Babes, let's go", she called out to her friend and took a step forward before I held her by the hand.

"I'm sorry but you are confusing me right now. You are monica and I'm so sure you are doing this to get back at me. I even have a passport of you in my wallet", I said bringing out a both a passport and a picture of her and handed it to her.

"Babes, this girl looks exactly like you. Or did you both date and you didn't tell me", her friend said still focused on the picture.

She handed me the pictures back looking confused. "First, I'm not Monica, I'm Maureen. Second, I'm not a twin", she sighed. "Maybe that's just my look alike or something. I really have to go. Bye".

She was about to go when I held her arm again. "Sorry, but can I have your number please".

"What for?", she asked rudely. "It is because you brought out a picture or two you think you can sway me into giving you my number. The next thing you will ask is for my house address", I hissed angrily. Her friend just stood there watching us like a Hollywood movie. 

"Hey, don't get me wrong. I was planning on paying you a visit but since you are not Monica, I just want to know you. For all we know, you both can be twins",

"And what's your name?", she asked.

"Raymond.. ".

"Okay Raymond, get this straight. I'm the only child of my parents and if I'm a twin, they won't keep him or her away from me nor them. Thank you so much but no thanks", she said calmly. Opening her bag, she brought out a handkerchief, in the process something dropped but she didn't notice it.

"Bye.. See you another day that's if fate permits and don't go around harassing people", with that she and her friend walked out leaving me to ponder on what just happened. I bent down to pick the card that dropped from her bag, Maureen Ike.

I kept it in my pocket. I bought all I wanted and left for the hotel. Is monica a twin, and even though she is, why are they separated. Or is my mind playing with me. No! she admitted the girl in the picture looks like her. Gosh! This is a mess. I thought hitting the steering wheel. I almost had an accident but managed to maneuver avoiding the crash.


The Billionaire's daughter ✔ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora