💖chapter eighteen💖

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Aug 3rd..

"Rise and shine baby", mom said opening the cottons.

"Give me 30mins, please mom", I said rolling from one end of the bed to the other.

"Lazy bones, will you get up already. It's your birthday sugar".

"That's the more reason you should give in to what I want", I said using my butt to back her.

"Ouch! That hurts mom", I reacted to the slap she gave me on my butt.

"C'mon will you get into the bathroom now. Just take a look at your wall clock, it's past 9 and you're still in bed", she pulled off the blanket covering me.

"Alright mom", I got up and went into the bathroom.

I switched on the tap in pretends that I was brushing so she will leave my room. As I heard the banging of the door, I decided to peep if she really left.

I brought out my head to confirm and when I saw my room was empty, I quickly flew back to bed.

"I knew it! You silly child. Will you go get ready for today, lazy ass", she pinched my ear.

"Mom. I thought you left already".

"You thought wrong honey. If you think you're corny, just know your mother is more corny than you", she smiled.

I sluggishly stood up and walked back to the bathroom. "Ok mom".

"No, no, no. Leave your door opened. I want to watch you brush and bath".

"But mom... ", I tried to speak but was interrupted.

"No buts baby. Go ahead and start brushing".

"Okay, fine!", I paste my tooth brush and started brushing my teeth.

"When your done, show me your teeth let me inspect", she said

"That's ridiculous mommy", I managed to talk with my mouth full of paste.


"Am not a child anymore", I spat out the substance saying.

"Point of correction. You are still my child", she raised her eyebrow.

"I wonder... ".

"Can you just face your teeth and stop talking", she said.

I soon finished brushing and she inspected it.

"White enough. Now, go and shower", she said. "And still leave the door opened.

I didn't argue because she will surely win. I spent up to 30mins bathing and singing birthday songs to myself.

"You took so long but you smell fresh", she said straining her nose. "What soap do you use again?".

"Extract!", I gave a quick answer.

"Alright dear. Use your cosmetics and get ready. I will be downstairs waiting for you", she said locking the door behind her.

I sat down on my bed, using my hand to search for my phone. I unlocked my phone and was surprised to see lots of birthday wishes from the school group. Some was privately sent to me through SMS and private chats.

I took my time to reply all thanking each and everyone of them. Then, I noticed none from neither Troy nor Amber. Not even from Raymond.

Did they forget to wish me? or they want to wish me in person.

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