💖Chapter twelve💖

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Another update for you awesome readers! ❤❤

Yah!💃💃. Thank you all for the love and support you've given to thus book. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT❤❤💖.

Please, let me know your thoughts about this chapter and how you're liking the book so far.




"Get me down Ray", I yelled hitting his back playfully.

"No, I won't. Until I see you play like a baby".

"But am not a baby".

"Okay! So what are you then?", he asked dropping me on a swing. 

"A growing child", I grinned.

"Indeed", he laughed.



"Am hungry", I voiced out to ray who was talking to a little boy.

"Be careful next time cutie", I heard him tell the boy child.

"Good afternoon", the child greeted.

"Hey, cute boy. How are you?"

"Am fine", he answered. "Bye bye", he waved at us running to meet the other kids.

"Such a good kid", I commented.

"Sure, he is".

"That reminds me. You were saying something before you saw me with the boy. What's that?", he asked.

Just then my tummy grumbled.

"Ooooh.. Baby is hungry", he teased.

"Yes, am hungry but am not a baby", I blinked my eyes making a puppy cute face.

"See why I always call you a baby. Okay, fine.. Let's go to an eatery before going to the mall or how do you want it", he tickled me.

"Ooookay. We'll do it my way", I laughed. "First head to the mall before going to the eatery, then to the beach".

"Prefect plan", he said.

On our way to the shopping mall, Raymond asked a question, "what do you like in a guy?"

"Are you really asking me that?", I questioned him.

"Yes of course or are you a lesbian", he smirked.

"Stop it you silly. How can I be a lesbian".

"That's why am asking you, so answer my question".

"Alright sir Edward. I like or better still, I love a simple guy. One who will love me for who I am. One who will support my dreams and also allow me support him in everything he do. One who will stand up for me anywhere anyday anytime. One who will love me despite my weakness", I concluded.

"In all you said right now I can only understand that you want a simply and honest and caring guy right", he smiled.


"But that's almost a perfect guy".

"No, I don't want a perfect guy, I only want a simply guy and a simple relationship. One where we will increase in love, knowledge and understanding".

"Can I be that guy", he suddenly asked.


"Uhm, forget I said something. So what are we going to get at the mall", he tried to change the topic.

"Ray, you know you don't have to change the topic. Am sorry for the way I reacted, I was only surprised. I didn't mean to spoil your mood".

"It's okay Monic".

"Are you sure?"

"I guess so".

"I know something is bothering you and it hurt knowing you don't trust", I turned facing the other side.

Suddenly the car stopped moving.

"Why did you stop?", I asked with my back still facing him.

"Hey, I can't continue driving knowing you are not happy with me".

"Am not angry", I replied.

"My baby", he tried teasing but I didn't move.

"Okay, since you want to know what's wrong with me I will let you know and I hope you can stand it Monic because am in love with you".

I was shocked, not because he said he loves me but because I didn't expect it so soon.

"Did I hear you right Ray?", I asked now facing him.

"Yes you did. I love you Monica", he said piercing through my eyes.

"Isn't this too early Raymond?", I asked

"I'm not gonna force or rush you into a relationship with me dear. When you are ready, just let me know. I will wait for you till you are willing to love me".

I couldn't move or say anything. I was completely lost in his gaze. His words kept ringing in my head until I felt a very soft surface on my lips.

The kiss was really soft and passionate, better than the first kiss we had at the laboratory. He bit my lower lips making me gasp, giving him entrance into my mouth. Our tongue met as we suckled on each other's tongue.

"I love you Monic", he said in between the kiss.

I didn't know how to feel or what to say to him after the kiss. My mouth opened wide as if I wanted to say something but closed when nothing came out. I was still searching for words to use when I heard him say, "you don't have to say anything yet dear. Like I said earlier, I will wait till you're willing and ready".

All I did was to nod still processing all that just happened. He started the engine and drove heading to the mall. It was like forever in the car but in reality, it was only 30mins.

"Good day ma. Good day sir", a sale girl addressed us as we entered one of the shops in the mall.

It wasn't long before ray found what he was looking for while I sat waiting for him.

"Go try this on", he handed over a short and an armless top to me. I took them and went straight to the dressing room like a zombie.

"Wow, you look amazing", he smiled as soon as I got out.

"Thanks", I replied shyly. "You don't look bad yourself", I complimented him. Then I fully noticed we were dressed for the beach.

"How come you got changed before I got out", I asked as we left the shop.

"Well, a guy dresses faster than a girl", he smirked.

"Ooooh, I see".

We went over to a candy and drink shop were we bought cookies, chocolates, drinks and other snacks we were gonna eat at the beach.

It was exactly 4pm when we reached the parking lot.

"I don't think there will be time for us to go to the eatery before heading to the beach", Ray said unlocking the door.

"I know, that's why I told you to get more snacks", I said dumping the bags at the back seat. As I was about to enter the car, I heard a familiar voice call my name.



Dun! Dun! Dun!

Woah!!! This was an unexpected update. Well I hope you enjoyed it😁😁😁

What do you think about Raymond and Monica getting into a relationship 😁💑💑. This will be so awesome 🌟💃💃💃

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