💖chapter seventeen💖

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Hi guys. I actually thought I wasn't gonna update😣😣 today but here it is. Another wonderful update😋😋😙. I hope you like! ❤🌠


"I really don't know what to get for Monica", I voiced out to Troy and Amber after searching the whole stores in the mall.

"Dude, this mall is huge with alot of stuffs. How will you say you found nothing", troy shook his head.

"I want to get her something special but I can find nothing".

"Open your eyes well man, there are pretty things here. Moreover Monica is a sweet but simple girl".

"Troy is right, Ray. Monica will surely love any thing you get for her. Infact, if you are not appreciating what you're seeing here, we can go to another mall or better still, make something from your heart for her", Amber said

"That's true man. You can make something special for her".

"Make something", I thought.

"Something like what?", I threw the question at no one in particular.

"Anything special", they chorused. "But in the main time, let continue the shopping", Amber added turning to pick a dress.

"Amber, I need a favour from you", I called out to her attention.

"Yes, anything. As long as I can help you".

"Yeah! I want to sponsor Monica's outfits for tomorrow, at the same time, I don't want her to know about it", I said.

"But monica and I already got things for tomorrow. How do you expect me to tell her I got her a new dress aside the one she personally chose", she said looking so confused.

"Babe, I know you can do this. Monica won't even suspect you at all", troy tried to talk her into helping me.

"Okay guys. Fine, I will do".

"Thank you honey", I rushed her into a big cuddle.

"Hey man, easy on her. She's mine", troy teased.

"Am choking ray", she managed to speak.

"Ooops, sorry honey", I released her and pecked her cheek. "Have to go guys, need to pick the outfits before the day runs out so she can give monica this evening".

"Meet us at the coffee shop when you're done", troy said.

"Alright dude".


I checked from one store to another but found no dress suitable for her.

"Oh no. I can't even pick out a dress nor a shoe", I sat down in front of store.

I sat down thinking of how bad a boyfriend I am until something shone in eyes.

"This dress is wooooow", I said staring at the dress opposite the store I was sitting in front of.

I quickly rushed in to check out the dress. "I will take this one", I pointed at the glowing red dress.

"Good choice sweetheart", the middle aged woman said to me. "You know, that's the last piece of that design".

"Thank you ma".

I looked around and saw a matching silver shoe. "I will take this too ma'am".

"Who are they for?", she asked packing them both in a bag.

"My girlfriend ma".

"She's really lucky, I must say".

Smiling, I payed for the items and headed for a jewel store.

"Bye ma'am".


"Are you looking for a jewel?", a little girl asked.

Am super sure she caught me looking confused in search of a jewel.

"Yes dear. Am in search of a simple jewel to match with a silver shoe", I told her.

"Okay, follow me", she said and I followed her till we reached a section.

"Wow, how do you know about this section", I asked.

"My dad owns this store", she said.

"Oooh. Alright thanks dear".

"Your welcome sir", she said leaving me to continue my search.

I soon spotted a set diamond earrings and a pendant necklace. "Nice pick", a young father carrying a cute baby girl said.


I left thanking the little girl for her help.



"These outfits are lovely bestest", she said hugging the dress. "But what about the blue dress I picked early", the smile on her face faded.

"You can wear both tomorrow", I tried to convince her.

Monica can be really stubborn and if you arnt careful, you will end up looking like a fool.

"And how's that even possible when it's just a simple party the five of us", she looked at me expecting an answer.

"Five of us?", I repeated.

"Yes, five of... ", she stopped and looked at me.

"So who's the fifth person?", I fired.

"It's a surprise. You will get to meet her".

"Do I know her?"

"Yes! She attended villie academy".

"Then just tell me her name".

"Amber darling. That's why it's a surprise".

"Alright fine", I said standing up.

"Hey, are you mad at me?"

"Why should I be. I just wanted to yet a bottle of drink from the fridge", I said laughing.

"Actually thought you were angry because I didn't let you know about my surprise".

"No sweety. Since it's a surprise, I will wait", I assured her.

"That's why I love you", she came hugging me kissing my face.

"Can't wait for tomorrow you know, finally you will be a complete adult", I hugged her tight.

"So tell me, how did u feel when you clocked 18", she asked me, really wanting to the feeling.

"The same girl, nothing much. Just pure happiness and fun with you guys. As for me, every day is special", I smiled.

"So no additional feeling?".

"Happiness is enough baby", I winked sticking out my tongue.

"If you say so", she rolled her eyes.

"I love you bestie", we chorused jumping, embracing eachother.

That's how we stopped the argument about which dress to wear. She finally settled for the red one and the rest of the evening was spent with lots of talks.


Good evening lovers❤❤😍.

Another chapter is here even though I didn't plan to update today.

Monica's turning 18 tomorrow and they can't wait. I can't wait either for the surprise she will be presenting them😁😁😁😁

Have a lovely evening 🌑🌑🌑🌑

And good night 🌚in advance💖💖😉

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