💖chapter twenty seven💖

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"Hey, stop sobbing, all will be fine. Let me get you a glass of juice", I said, standing up, making sure she rested her head on the pillow comfortably.

"No, a bottle of water will do", she managed to speak.

"Alright", I said walking over to the fridge. I opened it but found no water only a pack of juice and other junks with fruits. "No where here, should I get you the juice", I sighed.

"No. I really want only water", she sniffed. "Hey, go clean up, you're all messy", I said looking at her, I felt really sorry. I really hate to see her miserable.

"Let me go downstairs to get the water", I sighed and left.

"Amber dear, come over here let's talk", mom called out to me from the sitting room. "Ok ma", I said getting the water from the fridge.

"How's Monica doing now?", the question hit me really hard in the head. "Ma, Monica isn't sick. She's alright mommy", I tried my possible best to be cool and firm with my voice so she wouldn't suspect anything.

The look she gave me made me a little scared. "Don't lie to me honey", she sighed. "Mommy, she's.... ",

"Shhhhhhhhh. I know she is going to have a child, my grandchild. I had my suspicion of recent that she was pregnant especially with all the signs, mostly the eating aspect", she said staring at me with a broken heart.

I opened my mouth to say somethings but couldn't find the perfects words to use. "I wanted to invite you both for breakfast after you came back with a nylon which looked like that from a pharmacy but I wasn't able to after I over heard all you both said", she added.

"Ma, I'm sor.... ",

"I understand. You wanted her to break the news to me herself, I get your point", she smiled at me.

"So what do you have in mind ma?", I asked a bit scared of her reaction. "Nothing. Let's go to her, I know she would be wondering what's keeping down here", she sighed.

"Ok mommy", I said and we went upstairs.


"Baby", I heard my mom call. I turned around sluggishly, "how you doing?", she asked.

I sniffed, "I'm fine mommy".

"And your little jelly bean", she said touching my stomach.

I looked at her confused. "Mommy", I said staring at Amber.

"No babes, I told her nothing", she said shaking her head.

"She's right baby, she didn't spill it to me. I didn't mean to eavesdrop baby but it just happened that I was at your door the moment you said it's positive", mom sighed.

"I'm sorry mommy. I didn't plan for this to happen", I cried out.

"I know honey, no one plans to be pregnant at age 18 but you are having no abortion", she nods. "Have you informed him already?", she asked stroking my hair backward.

"Not yet mommy", I sniffed.

"Amber darling, get the tissue paper on the table please", she said still stroking my hair.

Amber passed the tissue to her and she gave it to me, "clean your nose", she said. "Thank you mommy", I sighed collecting it.

I finally collected the bottle water from Amber and drank the whole content. It's actually 50cl bottle. "Can I have another bottle please", I told her.

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