💖chapter forty one💖

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Waking up from my sweet sleep by Raymond's morning kiss on the forehead, I struggled to get on my feet and stretched my body.

Yesterday was, should I say one of my best days at the hospital. The fact that I was able to save someone's life with not just being a doctor that I am, but also donating my own blood and also meeting my lookalike. Maureen and I exchanged numbers before I left.

I went over to Ray's place to pick Kim up but ended up spending the night since some of my clothes also reside in his house. I was so tired and stressed out that I just took a cold bath, ate what Ray and Kim prepared for dinner and slept off on the coach while trying to watch a program, only to find myself on the bed.

"Morning babe, hope you slept well", he greeted kissing me on the lips this time. "Good morning love. Yes, I did sleep well. What about you?"

"I did babe", he smirked.

"What?", I asked because I know that smirk meant something.

"You were so exhausted from the hospital yesterday. What happened?", he asked, laying down on the floor to do this morning exercise.

"Yeah, yesterday was a bit streeful but good", I replied smiling.

"That smile. I know that smile. So tell me, what happened?", he paused within his push-ups.

"I met a lady with her son. He's 2year old", I said rolling my eyes while explaining. He just laid on the floor quietly listening. "So, this lady happens to be my lookalike. If you see her, you would think it's me. We look so much alike, infact people will consider us twins".

"Are you trying to say you met Maureen already?",

"Yes, I did. And why did you tell me about both of your encounters with her?", I threw back the question with a blank expression.

"Sorry babe. It's totally skipped my mind and if not for this conversation, I still wouldn't have remembered. I'm sorry boo boo", he stood up and sat down beside me, showering my face with kisses.

"Stop it jhor", I giggled.

"Did you say she has a 2year old son?"

"Exactly. The boy is really cute. I'm so happy we were able to save him",

"Wow, twin sisters who have kids", he sighed.

"And how sure are you she's my twin. Moreover, I haven't told mom and dad yet", I said. "Talking of parents, when are we going to meet yours?",

"Yeah! About that, we'll go next week with Kim. Have spoken to mom and she said dad will be back next week. She's even happy with the idea of a granddaughter",

"That's great. I think I'm strong enough to stand your father again",

"We will face him together love", he was about to kiss me before Kim came running to us.

"Mommy.. Daddy.. Good morning",

"Morning my angel", Ray carried her on his laps. "Sweetheart, how are you?", I asked, kissing her.

"I'm fine mommy. I had a dream", she smiled. "I see the dream is a good one", I tickled her.

"Yes mommy", she said in between her laughter. "I saw you and someone that looks like you and I was confused. Both of you now started laughing before you came to hug me".

"You see, Kim is even dreaming about it", Ray whispered in my eyes. "I guess that's a sign she's your twin sister".

"Whatever love", I sighed. "Baby, now let's go to the bathroom and take a warm bath", I took her from his laps and backed her. "Go and shower, we are going to my parents place", I leaned and kissed him before heading to Kim's room.  


"Daddy, I want ice-cream and chocolate and cookies", Kim voiced behind us.

"Okay angel. We'll stop by shoprite to get everything you want", he smiled. "Your daughter has joined your cookies and chocolate fantasy", he faced me, scolding me exactly how mom will scold me when Kim ask her for chocolate or cookies.

"Like mother, like daughter", I smiled sticking out my tongue on his face.

"You better stop and let me concentrate on this steering", he smirked.

"Alright", I stole a kiss before freeing him to drive safely.

We soon reached shoprite and he speedily parked making myself and Kim scream. "Baby, you love the speed right?", he turned asking Kim who was grinning. "Yes daddy", her sweet melody voice said.

We alited from car and walked inside. Ray picked a trolly as Kim started dropping different cookies and chocolates into it. After alot of junks she selected, we went to the wine section, then to the ice-cream section.

When we we done shopping, he paid and one of the workers carried the items behind us. He gave the guy a thousand naira note tip before driving off.

We got to my parents soon enough. Made our way inside and settled down. Kim and her usual self, ran all the way upstairs to search for her grandparents.

"Look who we have here", dad came out from the kitchen with a plate of apple in his right hand and a knife on his left. "Good morning dad", I stood up and hugged him. "Morning sweetheart", he answered placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning dad", Ray greeted, as both of them exchanged pleasantries. Soon, mom and Kim came downstairs to join us.

After the exchange of pleasantries with mom, we all sat down. I gave Ray a sign to take Kim away so as to tell dad and mom about Maureen.

"So, what is it you wanted to discuss with us so badly?", dad asked as he took in a slice of apple. "Care for some", he sighed, passing the plate of apples to mom. "Naa, I will pass", she smiled.

"Am I a twin?", I asked suddenly and both of them gave me a "what do you mean" expression on their faces. "Mom, dad. Am I a twin, like do I have a twin sister?", I tried to break it down to them.

"Of course not. Where is this question coming from?", mom attacked.

"I met someone yesterday and before that, Raymond also had two encounters with her. She's my carbon copy mommy. And she also said her parents are late but her family lawyer is yet to give her a vital information left by her parents".

"Hold on baby", dad sighed, still trying to digest what I just said. "You said you meant a lady, who looks like you?"

"Yes daddy. We even have the same blood type. I donated blood to her son yesterday. Even when I went to check up on him when he was unconscious, he was confused. He called both myself and Maureen 'mom'. All I'm asking is if I'm a twin or something"

"Can you bring this Maureen so we'll see for ourselves", mom finally said.

"Ok mom", I sighed, resting my back properly on the couch. "I will inform her so she will prepare herself since she's a busy lady dealing with her late father's company".

"Alright baby", they chorused.

"Mommy", I called out.

"Yes honey"

"When you were pregnant, did you do any scan to know the sex?", I asked out of curiosity. "No darling. I wanted it to be a special gift to me", she replied.

"Uhm, okay mom".


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